The Digimon TCG is preparing to wrap up its 2023 competitive season with its 2023 Digimon Championship Finals. Similar to last year, winners of each region’s respective finals will face off in an invite only World Championship event, making use of the English release set list at the time of competition. 2022 Saw Latin America’s Champion, Fransisco take the whole event on Xros Heart.
Source: Digimon TCG
Qualifying for the Digimon Championship
Qualification for Digimon Championship finals was quite simple for North America in 2022. Winners of any of the frequent Store Championships would have their ticket punched in to attend the 2 day event at the end of the year. This, in addition to placing Top 32 at any regional event would secure Nationals placement.
For those in Europe and elsewhere, instead, their Nationals equivalent was treated like any other regional. With ticket based entry to those wanting to make the trip. With a greater shift to online play this year, and removing Store Championships as an invite criteria. Nationals invites have been harder and harder to achieve. This year, all Nationals will be Open Events, meaning that first come, first served tickets to attend and compete will be in effect.
What happened to my Nationals Invite?
For North American players, that may have already achieved their Nationals invite, their efforts will still be rewarded. Invite winners will receive a 2 round bye at Nationals to help them float through day 1 of an up to 11 round Swiss Format, and increase likelihood of qualifying for Top 32 in Day 2, down from Top 128 last year.
Dates and Prizing
Europe will be first to compete. December 2-3 will see players in the Netherlands facing off. Latin America’s regionals will take place in Mexico January 5-6. Oceania’s event takes place in Melbourne from January 26-28, with a note that Top 256 prizing will not be distributed due to event capacity. North America’s event sees tamers heading to the Los Angeles Convention Centre for the last chance to qualify for the World Championships. Prizing has yet to be announced. Previous years touted beautiful regional prizing in addition to top 3 trophy cards based on series favourite – Alphamon.