Digimon Reprints have happened occasionally with Starter Decks. Thanks to fan outcry, the RB01 “Reboot Booster” that released in Japan last year is finally being fully released in the west. Initially, the plan was to only include the new Digimon Ghost Game cards unique to RB01. Now though, “Resurgence Booster” RB01 features a host of Digimon reprints.
Source: Digimon TCG
The Best of the Digimon Reprints
The best card, and part of the reason that people demanded RB01 include reprints was BT1-060 MagnaAngemon.
As a necessary 4 of in any Security Control (SecCon) list, this card has been the main price gap for the deck. It being integral, and the most expensive part; it is the reason most don’t build a SecCon list for practicing against. Coupled with BT4-097 Kari Kamiya, the price of SecCon has gone down; for better or for worse.
Old Tamers
Some of the most anticipated Digimon reprints, paradoxically, are Tamers and Eggs. Bandai has done a better job of repopulating tamers from BT1-3 into the game. Starter Decks Jesmon and Ragnaloardmon put Alt Arts of BT1-3 Tamers as a pack in bonus. The playfield is further evened by RB01. Expensive staples BT1-085 Tai Kamiya, BT1-087 T.K. Takaishi, and BT1-089 Mimi Tachikawa all are present in the set, allowing players yet to purchase them a chance to add these common cards to their lists.
Cards to look out for
There are plenty cards of note. Our Top 10 list will feature not just Digimon reprints, but important Option cards, Eggs and Tamers.
BT1-060 MagnaAngemon. The Backbone of SecCon
BT5-086 Omnimon. “Blitz Omni”
P-007 Garurumon. A hard to find draw engine, non-once per turn draw.
BT3-006 DemiMeramon. A long expensive purple staple.
BT2-090 Matt Ishida. Another purple staple that lets you recur one-ofs from your trash.
ST2-16 Cocytus Breath. Bounce any Digimon. No ifs, no buts.
ST2-15 Kaiser Nail. Play a Digimon from sources without paying its cost, preserving On Play effects.
ST3-15 Holy Flame. The bane of stack decks.
BT5-112 Omnimon Zwart. The third piece of the “SecCon costs too much” pie.
P-008 WereGarurumon. Limited to 1 for a reason.