Where to find Starfield snow globes and famous landmarks on Earth, the moon, and Mars.
If you’re on the hunt for Starfield snow globes we can point your spaceship in the right direction. Starfield has a series of quests that take you to landmarks on the ruins of planet Earth, the moon, and even Mars, and each quest lets you walk away with a souvenir snow globe, a great photo op, and a nice bundle of XP.
Finding the start of these snow globe quests can be a little tricky, and finding one doesn’t automatically lead to finding the rest. Here’s how to find every Starfield snow globe and their landmarks.
How to get Starfield snow globe quests
(Image credit: Bethesda)
Your quest to collect every snow globe in Starfield will only begin when you do a little reading, or at least a little book collecting. In fact, with the exception of the Mars snow globe, snow globe quests begin by getting specific books.
Some of these books may turn up randomly in locations throughout Starfield, but we’ve listed a definite location for each book below if you don’t want to hunt them down on your own. To get the snow globe quest, you just need to add the specific book to your inventory by picking it up or buying it.
Once you’ve got the right book, the quest will appear in the Activity section of your quest log and a landing site will appear on the planet. Just land and follow the quest marker to each snow globe.
Moon landing
Apollo Moon Landing snow globe
(Image credit: Bethesda)
Book: Sir Livingstone’s Second Journal
Book location: Matteo’s bedroom at the Lodge on Jemison. Matteo’s room is right next to your own room at the Lodge.
Quest location: Luna, Sol System (Earth’s Moon)
Snow globe location: On top of the Apollo moon lander.
New York
New York (Empire State Building) snow globe
(Image credit: Bethesda)
Book: Our Lost Heritage
Book location: President’s office, MAST Headquarters, New Atlantis. Take the elevator to Central Command
Quest location: Earth, Sol system
Snow globe location: At the foot of the Empire State Building
London (The Shard) snow globe
(Image credit: Bethesda)
Book: Oliver Twist
Book location: Sinclair’s Books, bookstore in Akila City in the Cheyenne system
Quest location: Earth, Sol system
Snow globe location: At the foot of the Shard
Pyramids of Giza snow globe
(Image credit: Bethesda)
Book: The Ancient Civilization of Egypt
Book location: Sinclair’s Books, bookstore in Akila City in Cheyenne system
Quest location: Earth, Sol system
Snow globe location: A few steps up on the base of the larger pyramid
Gateway Arch
Gateway Arch (St. Louis Arch) snow globe
(Image credit: Bethesda)
Book: The Price of Destiny
Book location: Benjamin Bayu’s desk in his penthouse, city of Neon. Bayu’s penthouse key can be pickpocketed off him.
Quest location: Earth, Sol system
Snow globe location: At the foot of the Shard
Mars rover
Mars rover snow globe
(Image credit: Bethesda)
This snow globe quest is different than the others. To acquire it, you need to be on the main story quest “Unearthed” which sends you to the NASA Launch Tower location on Mars.
As you’re looking through the NASA Launch Tower you’ll enter a museum of exhibits from NASA’s space program. Look for one that is displaying a rover as part of the MER (Mars Exploration Rover) Program. Interact with the kiosk in front of it and you’ll learn about the MER program and the snow globe quest will be added to your quest log.
Land at the marker and you’ll find the snow globe sitting on the rover.