After being rumored to be a broken pick in scrims and in solo queue, Riot is trying to hit AD Leblanc top ahead of the Worlds Patch, Patch 13.19.
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Leblanc AD Top is the latest tech from pros
In the last few weeks, there has been a new pick popping up among pros and that is AD Leblanc. Multiple players have been caught testing things in solo queue and people seem to have realized it has enormous potential.
Not only can the champion be flexed between mid and top lane, adding more versatility in the drafts, but the top lane version acts as an annoying split push champion. Leblanc can shove waves with Hullbreaker and Statikk Shiv very quickly, and then use her mobility to quickly get out of danger if she’s too exposed. In other words, it’s an unstoppable split push strat.
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The planned nerfs for her
Game designer David “Phreak” Turley outlined a couple of changes with the hopes of reducing Leblanc’s power within the meta. They are going to nerf her AD as well as mana pool while also nerfing Statikk Shiv and buffing up the AP ratios, hoping that players stick to the traditional builds.
Statikk Shiv has been a meta-defining item this season. Ever since its introduction, the bot lane meta has been filled by Statikk Shiv users who use the item’s power to quickly push waves and get lane priority over objectives setup or rotations. That same concept has now been brought across the solo lanes as well.
If the nerfs weren’t enough to put Leblanc back into her place, she might be the broken pick that shapes the entire Worlds 2023 meta. Something that happened on other occasions, such as the Juggernaut or the Ardent Censer metas from a few seasons ago.
Related: Riot reveals new ranked penalties for LoL players in Patch 13.19