The Digimon Card game has its share of expensive cards for a game considered to be on the cheaper side to play. We’ve compiled a list of some of the rarest Digimon cards, and how originally they were available.
Honorable Mention – Stamps
Stamps are a type of Digimon card that are inherently rarer though due to having a limited time window. Pre-Release stamps are given in packs of two during Pre Release (PR). Also they are only limited to cards marked Rare and below. The card pool is limited and PR is often more expensive to enter than regular entry at most Local Game Stores (LGS).
Older PR Stamps such as BT7, are even harder to come by due to a naturally lower amount of product being opened. PR Stamps started adding foiling to uncommon and common cards from BT7. Increasing popularity and rarity on the second-hand market. Other event based stamps such as Gen-Con, Digimon Card Fest, Tournament and Championships Stamps are also notoriously hard to find. Especially Championship stamps which often feature alt arts from discontinued Bandai Premium Products.
7) BT8-038 Magnamon (Tamer Party Promo)
Source: Digimon TCG
The most recent (at time of writing) Tamer Party introduced a low pull rate “Chase Card” Classic Style BT8 Magnamon. The drop rates for this card are low enough that attending multiple LGS for Tamer Parties may not see anyone open the card.
6) BT5-086 Omnimon (Across Time Box Promo)
Another Classic Style alt. This card was a BT12 – Across Time Chase Card Box Topper, a bonus pack included in boxes of Digimon cards. Even buying a Case of BT12 would not guarantee seeing this staple as a Box Topper.
5) BT1-084 Omnimon & BT6-111 Alphamon (“Ghost Rare”)
BT6 – Double Diamond was the first Digimon set to introduce “Chase Cards”. Essentially alt arts with very low drop rates. Dubbed “Ghost Rares” by the community (a term borrowed from Yu-Gi-Oh), Omnimon is largely responsible for sealed BT6 product being scarce to non-existent. More product was being printed by the time Alphamon’s Ghost Rare in BT10 was introduced and is less rare as a result.
Source: Digimon TCG
4) ST1-11 WarGreymon (Online Premiere TO June 2021)
Prize card for winners of June 2021’s Online events. As the game was smaller in 2021 and events were fewer, availability of the card is low.
3) BT2-032 UlforceVeedramon (DC1 Grand Prix)
Prize card for winners of 2021 DC1 Grand Prix. Future DC1s would change from UlforceVeedramon’s evolution line to Gallantmon.
2) BT8-112 Imperialdramon Paladin Mode (Ultimate Cup – 2022 Version [Zoomed Out + Rainbow Veil])
The original, 2022 Ultimate Cup Winner’s Prize Card. This version (Right) is a full artwork compared to 2023’s version. The background features a rainbow veil. There were fewer Ultimate Cups in 2022’s Season.
Source: Digimon TCG
1) BT1-084 Omnimon (Evolution Cup)
Prize card for winners of Evolution Cup. Evolution Cup in the west was phased out in favor of Ultimate Cup. In addition to the blue border not featured on the Ultimate Cup version, the Evolution Cup stamp denotes this version of the original prize card (right).
Source: Digimon TCG