Payday 3 devs want game ‘less dependent on online services’ after matchmaking issues
Payday 3 devs want game ‘less dependent on online services’ after matchmaking issues

If you’ve played Payday 3 after its launch, you likely fell victim to the game’s widespread matchmaking issues since Sept. 21. Developer Starbreeze officially addressed the outages in a press release today, attributing the situation to an “unforeseen error” with the game’s third-party matchmaking system and saying it aims to make the game rely less on online services.

Payday 3 has experienced a plethora of issues with its matchmaking since its full launch last week. Players couldn’t find matches at all for most of the time, making the title effectively unplayable. The issue didn’t appear in the beta and early-access periods, Starbreeze said in a press release.

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