One of WoW Hardcore’s best-geared players accidentally just killed themselves in a regular duel
In World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore, there are two types of duels—regular duels and duels to death. But there are a ton of nifty items you can use during your duels, and sometimes, like in this player’s case, not everything goes according to plan.
On Sept. 24, Keksec, one of Frontier’s best-geared Priests accidentally killed themselves in a regular duel with streamer Mitch Jones. Frontier is a guild that cleared Molten Core and defeated Ragnaros only 11 days after the release of the Hardcore servers on Aug. 24. This North American guild is also home to other icons of Hardcore like Jokerd, Crix, and Vitochie, the first player who reached level 60 in the official version of the game.