When learning how to play the Digimon card game, new Digimon card game players can often be caught out by the little things. Sometimes this leads to illegal plays. And even when it doesn’t, you can end up forfeiting tempo by going through processes inefficiently. We’ve put together a list of common mistakes amongst new Digimon card game players.
Source: Digimon Card Game
Option cards and “Color Sources”
Option cards and their color requirements are a frequent stumbling point for new players. Especially those that haven’t played other color based trading card games (like Magic: The Gathering).
To play Option cards with two colors, you require both colors to be in the battle area as a Digimon or Tamers. This is something not officially communicated well even in official Digimon content. A two color option example was absent from the Ruleset 4.0 announcement and showcase. The rule was illustrated in a monocolor setting, however.
As part of this, sometimes niche options or sometimes unplayable options are put in new decks due to this misunderstanding. While some expensive options may have devastating effects, an inability to play them outside of security will hamper a new player that isn’t building off of a starter deck.
Wonky Ratios
Digimon, at its core, is about Digivolving, something that is difficult to do if you don’t have the pieces to climb. Boss monsters are fantastic, but a top heavy ratio of cards can make getting there fragile at best, impossible at worst. For general consistency we recommend ratios in the following ranges:
4 Eggs
10-13 Rookies
10-12 Champions
8-9 Ultimates
5-8 Megas.
Some decks will have “greedier” ratios, running lower counts of cards to fit in other options. Tamers and Option cards can be great ways to improve consistency in decks, with generic staples helping you find success. Finding out what ratios works for you is important, but referring to what your co-pilots are doing in similar decks can be a great way to fix issues you find in deckbuilding.
New Digimon Card Game Players Inting from Orbit
This last section is more abstract. Understanding value propositions is a skill usually built with time, and aided by peer review. Learning when to attack, or build in raising for another turn can be the difference between winning and losing. No digivolution effects can trigger in the raising area. Many new players will forgo evolving their only rookie, in favour of using an on play searcher.
Going first, this is the difference between 2 actions and 1. Most searchers usually search the tribe and/or a Tamer; meaning if your rookie is cleared, the Digimon that you just found won’t get to be evolved. Evolving to take the guaranteed draw, and protect against removal is an important step to take. This can also be applied to moving a Digimon from the breeding area without a rookie in hand for the next turn. If your Digimon dies in security, you may no longer have a color source for the option you wanted to play! Play Safe!