Kameo fighters are one of the headline new features to hit the game with Mortal Kombat 1. A brand-new feature for this new reboot in the series, they bring a lot to gameplay in this title. Before release, Kameo Fighters were tried out in the extensive open beta periods. However, it hasn’t really been until release that we’ve seen the full extent of how use full Mortal Kombat 1 Kameo Fighters are.
These new MK 1 Kameo Fighters are essentially small assists. It’s a system where you can pull in another character to help you out in-game, kind of like similar assists in other top fighting games like FighterZ. The system can even be used to extend combos that you’re in and secure more damage. These are definitely going to be the major innovations for gameplay in this title. How exactly do all of the Mortal Kombat Kameo fighters work though?
Source: Neverrealm Studios
Mortal Kombat 1 Kameo Fighters
Kameo Fighters are a new system for assists in Mortal Kombat 1. These are smaller characters who are pulled in mid-way through fights to help out your character. You can select them alongside your main pick for Mortal Kombat characters. This lets you utilize a small helping of another fighter alongside your main pick.
The timing of these assists can make a big difference. There are some which can slot into a combo mid-game to extend your run of attacks and deal a lot more damage. Players can likely find even more creative ways to use them. Once the game has been out for a while, we might find certain assists that can make some characters much more viable by extending their abilities.
Source: Neverrealm Studios
Mortal Kombat 1 Kameo Fighters can go past just adding extra hits to combos, they’re useful across the game. They can step in to help out with your MK 1 fatalities along with the actual fight! This can be contributing to the gory finish or even taking it over so they get the fatality. Some of these might eventually make the list for best MK fatalities in the future.
MK 1 Kameo Fighters haven’t exactly been the focus for players in the early build-up, as we’ve been learning about all of the main characters. We have slowly learned more and more characters coming as Kameos though. Now we’ve passed the official release date for Mortal Kombat 1, we know every Kameo fighter in the game at launch.
All MK 1 Kameo Fighters
Jax Briggs
Kung Lao
Sonya Blade
Those are all of the Mortal Kombat 1 Kameo fighters in the game at launch. As we get further out though, more might come. We might end up seeing quite a few more MK 1 Kameo Fighters over time just like we get more base characters added to the game.