LoL players can’t stop themselves from playing 3 annoying mid lane champions
LoL players can’t stop themselves from playing 3 annoying mid lane champions

There are some League of Legends champions that are always popular, no matter the meta. Those who have played the game for years most likely know a few of them. Now, surprisingly or not, three of the most annoying champions have the highest pick rates in the mid lane.

Yasuo, Zed, and Yone boast are the most-picked mid laners in all ranks in Patch 13.17, according to a League stats site U.GG. Two brothers, Yasuo and Yone, sit at 12.1 and 9.7 percent, respectively, while Zed has a 12 percent pick rate. For the record, this adds up to around 700,000 to 900,000 matches played for each champion this patch.

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