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How to change language in League of Legends

If you’re looking to change the language in LoL, here is the full rundown on how to do it. Are you ready to show off like the best Chinese or Korean pros?

Image Credits | Riot Games

Change Language in League of Legends – A full guide

While you probably have seen other tutorials or videos on how to do it, this is how I usually do it. To start off, here are the first steps:

Go to your Riot Games, League of Legends folder.

Search for “LeagueClient.exe”, right-click on it, and create a shortcut. Be aware to not choose other programs with the League logo (usually named things like “LeagueClientUx”).

Right-click on the new shortcut and go to”Properties”. In the “Shortcut” tab, find “Target:”, and at the end of the text, add –locale=

Based on which language you want to choose, add one of the following language codes after the “=” symbol in the “Target”box:

“List of Language Codes:

en_US: English (USA)
en_GB: English (Great Britain)
en_AU: English (Australia)
fr_FR: French
de_DE: German
it_IT: Italian
pl_PL: Polish
ro_RO: Romanian
el_GR: Greek
pt_BR: Portuguese
hu_HU: Hungarian
ru_RU: Russian
tr_TR: Turkish”
ja_JP: Japanese
ko_KR: Korean
zh_CN: Chinese
zh_TW: Taiwanese
es_ES: Spanish (Spain)
es_MX: Spanish (Mexico)

Example – if you want your client and game to be in Korean, write: –locale=ko_KR, then press “Apply” in the “Properties” window.

Seems to be not working? Here’s the latest fix

While this used to work in the past, recent patches have changed the method. Aside from creating the shortcut, make sure to go to the “General” tab in the “Properties Window”, look for “Attributes:” and check the “Read-only” box. Then click “Apply”. By doing so, it should allow you to get the desired language from your client. This is because the “Read-only” setting does not allow for the shortcut to be changed.

Make sure to not manually click on League and don’t press the play button or it will launch in the original language. If you can’t still change the language in League of Legends, try to do it a few more times, and create new shortcuts: it can sometimes bug out.

Read more: Riot reveals new ranked penalties for LoL players in Patch 13.19

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