If you can’t get enough of Larian Studio’s latest release, Baldur’s Gate 3, you might be wondering what other games like Baldur’s Gate are on the market. This certainly wasn’t Larian’s first rodeo. Although BG3 is the créme de la créme of turn based RPGs, there are a couple of other games out there to keep you playing if you’ve truly been bitten by the bug.
Source: Maxi Geek
1. Divinity: Original Sin 1 & 2
Divinity tops a lot of lists of games like Baldur’s Gate 3 and for good reason. These games were Larian’s first forrays into the world of turn based RPGs. While they may feel like a bit of a step down in the face of Baldur’s Gate, the story, replayability and character options are unparalleled. The combat works on a slightly different system too. Whereas BG3 sticks with the spell slot system used in Dungeons and Dragons, Divinity uses a cooldown system instead. You can use some huge spells and abilities, but you’ll need to time them right and make sure you have enough Source.
Source: Larian Studios
2. Pathfinder: King Maker
Although it’s certainly a turn based RPG, this game works on the Pathfinder rulset. That means fans of games like Baldur’s Gate 3 will need to learn a new way of playing, but you really won’t struggle. One unique feature of the Pathfinder system is how alignment affects your gameplay. The decisions you make can affect your character’s alignment (such as good, neutral and evil) and this can have huge impacts on game outcomes.
Source: Owlcat Games
3. Wildermyth
Wildermyth is the perfect turned based RPG for those who like a much more chill vibe, especially if you don’t want to be overwhelmed with Baldur’s Gate classes. The campaigns are short but have long reaching consequences further down the line. The simple story, limited customization options and unique 2D art style might not be for everyone but it does offer a lot for beginners. A lot of games on this list are deep in the hard fantasy genre. While Wildermyth does have some fantasy elements, it’s a much more light hearted vibe. If you like the style but not the combat, you can always up the difficulty too.
Source: Worldwalker Games
4. Solasta: Crown of the Magister
Solasta makes our list of the best games like Baldur’s Gate 3 because not of it’s gritty storytelling and similar adherence to the DnD 5th edition ruleset. Before BG3 came along, Solasta was one of the best turned based RPGs on the market. It’s not as clean as Baldur’s Gate, but no games on this list are. The mechanics are familiar and the story telling makes it easy to jump straight into your adventure.
Source: Tactical Adventures
5. Dungeons and Dragons
It’s not a video game but it’s worth an honorable mention. If you’ve also lost your entire friend group to Baldur’s Gate 3 in recent months, you may want to give the IRL game a go. There’s even more freedom in DnD than there is in BG3 when it comes to character creation, world building and story potential. If you have a friend willing to take on the role of Dungeon Master, DnD could well be your new obsession.
Source: Wizards of the Coast