Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 has been active for a short time now, but what’s the early verdict? Can we already say if this is the best Fortnite season ever? That might be hyperbolic. But compared to some of Epic’s recent attempts, it’s a clear standout. The new Fortnite skins for this season aren’t the most exciting but gameplay is a step up.
Chapter 4 Season 4 has marked a turn for the game recently. Chapter 4 has been on a rough downtrend for a few seasons now. There have been some trends that have shown up so far in Chapter 4 which are emblematic of the problems this Chapter, and they’ve been broken in Season 4.
This is one of Epic’s most fun updates to date. There are still a couple of lingering problems that might stop it from being the best Fortnite season. However, if Epic can keep this momentum up it’s going to be a very strong one.
Source: Epic Games
Is The New Season A Return to Form?
Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 has done a lot right. Its core heist mechanic and new Fortnite theme are really fun. Players can steal classic Mythics by taking out bosses and opening vaults. Getting one of the most OP items in Fortnite right off the back of a game can make for some crazy gameplay further in. Even outside of the vaults, there are tons of mythics floating around this season. It’s not uncommon to kill someone at the last circle and see them drop a full inventory of Legendary slurps and mythics, only for you to completely ignore it because you’re already carrying a full loadout of mythics too. This is fun. Not so much when you’re on the receiving end of it, but the heists are clearly exciting for the bulk of the player base.
Even the core weapons are more fun this season. We’ve got a great pump, ARs and SMGs that push the normal lines between the two guns. The sniper is back. The Rocket Ram is their mobility item for the season which is much more balanced than C4 S1 and 2’s Hammer or Blade. It generally feels like a really good balance. Even the map has fixed past problems.
The new biome approach is gone. One of Epic’s worst decisions in Chapter 4 was to limit map changes to a single biome. They’ve finally stopped this. Instead, Epic has spread the new POIs out and slapped them in places that were either empty or featuring POIs that may as well not be there. These are much better changes and for the first time all Chapter, the map doesn’t feel half-empty.
Is this the best Fortnite season then? It might be our best for Chapter 4, but there are a couple of concerns that still need addressing.
Can Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 Stay on Top?
The big problem with Chapter 4 so far hasn’t been the day-one gameplay, it’s been longevity. The game has frequently had fun items added that got broken and go missing for most of the season. Most embarrassingly the new movement mechanic added in Fortnite C4 S1, hurdling, is still vaulted.
The new items in Fortnite are really fun. If they end up like half of Chapter 4’s new additions though they’ll be missing for half of their season. At the moment it doesn’t look like there are too many major bugs. However, Epic will need to keep these new items in the game for the duration for players to actually feel the benefit of such a strong season.
Past that, there’s C4 S4 competitive. This season is the FNCS Global Championship. Yet the game is overflowing with mythics that mean players at 3 POIs have a crazy strong start compared to everyone else. Even if you land at a vault there’s RNG in which weapon you’ll get. None of that sounds too promising for their end of year LAN. What’s worse, it’s all active in competitive beyond a few random items like Ocean’s Bottomless Chug Jug.
These two main problems might end up taking some of the shine off Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4. So far, it’s been the most fun Fortnite has been since the better parts of C4 S1. If they can keep the consistency and quality up through the Star Wars feature and Fortnitemares we’re looking at one of the best Fortnite seasons. Although, with Epic internally focusing quite a lot of resources on Chapter 5 and the Lego collab, their follow-through has too often been the downfall of recent Fortnite seasons.