Clash Royale has many different cards and if you are a player who has been playing the game for a while, you might have many maxed-out cards. For players like you, Supercell has added Star Levels into Clash Royale to give you something to work towards despite cards reaching their top level.
Here’s the complete explanation of the Star Levels which were first added to the game in the December 2018 update.
Image Credits: Supercell
Clash Royale Star Levels Explained: What are they?
Star Levels in Clash Royale are a purely cosmetic advancement for your maxed-out cards which unlock at King Level 6. These levels don’t grant any competitive advantage, other than the feature of looking cool.
There are three Star Levels in the game. More information about these is listed below:
Star Level 1: Once your maxed-out card reaches this Star Level, it will get a deploy effect and also have a golden banner around the card.
Star Level 2: In the second star level, you will see some cosmetic changes to the card as well.
Star Level 3: Lastly, this Star Level completely revamps your card with a cool new golden look.
So how can you upgrade your cards to a Star Level? You need Star Points to do that.
How to get Star Points?
Image Credits: Supercell
Star Levels are a way to give you an opportunity to further progress your maxed-out Clash Royale cards. Thus, once you reach King Level 6 and max out a card, you can start unlocking Star Points.
You can get Star Points by donating or receiving maxed-out cards. Thus, you can get Star Levels by simply opening chests as well. Additionally, any maxed level card card brought from the shop will be automatically transformed into Star Points.
Here’s what it costs to unlock a Star Level for your maxed-out card in Clash Royale:
Star Level 1: 5,000 Star Points
Star Level 2: 10,000 Star Points
Star Level 3: 20,000 Star Points
Read Also: Clash Royale Tips: Five tips to get you ahead of the competition