There’s a new Call of Duty Battle Buddy pack coming to the ecosystem later this month, according to dataminers and leakers. However, it bears one unique twist – it talks to you like an NPC. That’s not just any old NPC, either – it’s the kind of NPC chatter that we’ve come to associate with TikTok streamers adopting the on-platform ‘NPC trend’. That’s where they sit on camera for hours at a time and repeat the same lines over and over again while masquerading as typically in-game NPC.
They’re doing this for digital rewards that have monetary value, and I’m not about to slam on someone securing a bag, but it’s an annoying trend for sure. On Twitter, a post surfaced revealing the upcoming Battle Buddy: NPC Pack, at the heart of which will be a smiley-faced Battle Buddy that’ll repeat lines incessantly in a high-pitched, relatively irritating voice, but you can bet your last dollar that people will be buying it.
Will You Buy The ‘TikTok NPC’ Battle Buddy?
Here’s the short video that was posted on Twitter by the ‘Task Force Leakers Network’. It showcases a few seconds of how the new Battle Buddy – which is rumoured to be releasing on September 12th – will sound:
Naturally, it has summoned up quite a backlash from the Call of Duty community at large – particularly from the portion of the community that already believes Call of Duty is too juvenile. As you’re navigating Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III, or Warzone, this new Battle Buddy – the ‘NPC one’ – will repeat lines based on your activities. If you’re shot, it’ll scream ‘Ouchie!’, and if you’re picking up loot, it’ll say ‘Nom! Nom! Nom!’
It doesn’t sound like something that’s going to hang around for too long, and you can more or less guarantee the average Call of Duty gamer will stomach it for all of a few minutes.
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More Bundles Coming Through Season 05
Image Credit: Activision
Now that the Season 05 Reloaded update has dropped in Call of Duty, the all-new bundles can start rolling out thick and fast. There’s a bunny rabbit-themed pack dropping tomorrow, September 3rd, and then after that, there’s… Well, another rabbit-themed pack on September 5th. On September 7th, the Cosmic Traveller pack will be released, then on September 9th, the Tomb Raider Tracer pack introduces Lara Croft to the Call of Duty ecosystem.
Then, on September 12th, the Battle Buddy: NPC pack will be released, for better or worse.
Before long, players will be gearing up to take part in the Modern Warfare III beta, which starts October 6th on PlayStation platforms. It’ll run until October 16th, and then a little more than a month later, the game will be released and most of hte Call of Duty community will transition over to the new game.
We’ll also learn about the upcoming Call of Duty League 2024 season soon, as Call of Duty NEXT is set to take place on October 5th.
It’s a busy time to be a Call of Duty fan.