In many Esports, content creators are often some of the most important resources. They help new players get into the games we love and help share information around the community. For CS:GO YouTube has been key in sharing everything from line ups to econ strategies and of course the coolest clips on the internet. Here are our picks for the best CS:GO YouTube channels that every fan of the game should be following!
1. Sparkles
Credit: @SparklesCSGOYT
2.20M+ subscribers
2.3K+ videos
First on our list today is Sparkles, someone who covers the full range of fun variety gaming content that CS:GO YouTubers are famous for making.
Sparkles’ YouTube community is constantly suggesting interesting video ideas such as trading weapon skins to trade up to better ones or quizzes to test guest’s knowledge of CS:GO and its history. Sparkles has also made a number of very popular case opening videos on his channel, featuring different rare cases or even specific items he’s chasing like rare floats for certain weapons. Case opening content is popular right now on CS:GO YouTube, partly because of how expensive things like knife skins have gotten and how exciting it can be to chase them, but a big part of what makes Sparkles’ videos something we wanted to highlight here is the incredible editing.
The weapon skin market in CS:GO is a complicated thing to get to grips with, but thanks to clean graphics and high quality voiceover, you can learn more about the scene while watching some fun CS:GO content.
2. Shroud
Credit: @Shroud
6.70M+ subscribers
1.5K+ videos
Maybe known more as a successful Twitch streamer rather than a CS:GO YouTuber these days, Shroud is of course a contender for the all time greatest CS:GO players to ever compete.
Back when he competed he made a name for himself as part of C9’s CS:GO team as a rifler, but the “King of Reddit” has come a long way from viral clips making it to the front page of the CS:GO subreddit on a near daily basis. He’s become a variety streamer at times, mostly leaning towards shooters still thanks to his incredible skill with a crosshair, but you’ll still catch him covering the game he loved for so long on his channel today. W
ith so much content coming from his livestream, Shroud makes videos to cover esports news, CS2 reveals and even live covering competitive matches with other content creators. Shroud is a great CS:GO Youtuber to follow leading up to CS2.
3. ESL Counter-Strike
Source: ESL
1.50M+ subscribers
2.7K+ videos
We had to include ESL’s CS:GO YouTube channel, even if it’s obvious. There’s no bigger collection of the greatest clips and highlights of the competitive scene for our game, and with everything from news to informational videos to livestreams of games, there’s something for everyone to watch if they’re a fan of a good game of Counter-Strike. With CS2 on the horizon, make sure to follow the channel for more info.