The Mortal Kombat series is well known for its ultra-violence. Matches routinely end in completely over-the-top violence. The Fatalities are what makes the series what it is. How to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 1 is a bit complicated though. You’ll have to learn some specific inputs if you want to get them in every game!
Pulling off Mortal Kombat 1 fatalities is important to learning the game. They might not actually help you get better at fighting games, but they have a unique appeal. Nothing beats finishing off a win online with a violent fatality. Online and in person it’s the best way to show off when you’ve finished off a match. If you want to start busting out fatalities after every win, this is how they work and how you can do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 1.
Compared to past games in the series, it’s a bit more complicated this time around. You’ll need to unlock Mortal Kombat 1 fatalites first too. This is how everything works.
Source: Neverrealm Studios
Mortal Kombat 1 Fatalities
There are three different types of fatalities in MK 1. There’s close, which is up close to your enemy. Then there’s mid which is from around 3 steps back to six steps. Then, the last is far, that’s anything beyond the mid-range.
Unlocking Fatalities
In terms of unlocking fatalities in Mortal Kombat 1, you’ll only get one fatality for each of the MK characters by default. You get the rest of them for going through all of the modes in the game. You’ll need to play through the story and other content to get it all fully unlocked. Once you do though, you’ll get tons of moves which might eventually be the best Mortal Kombat fatalities too.
Unlocking them all is going to take some time. However, it’s a great excuse to try out more of what the game offers. That includes the story mode and getting to know more characters. By the time you’ve really clicked with all of the characters, you’ll likely have most fatalities unlocked.
How to do Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 1
Mortal Kombat has different inputs for characters depending on which fighter you’re using. This is how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 1 for each character.
As the MK 1 release date is still pretty recent, we don’t have all of them yet. we’ll have this updated with more fatalities as we discover them in game.
KitanaRoyale Bender (Mid)Back, Forward, Down, Back Kick
Minty Fresh (Close)Down, Down, Back, Back Kick
MileenaAppetizzer (Close)Back, Forward, Back Front Punch
A Little to the Left (Close)Down Forward, Back, Front Kick
TanyaHelping Hands (Close)Down, Back, Down, Front Kick
RainThe Red Sea (Close)Down, Down, Back, Back Kick
SmokeHazed and InfusedBack, Forward, Down, Front Punch
ScorpionEye-Palling Victory (Mid)Down Forward, Back, Block
Gang War (Mid)Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch
Sub-ZeroHairline FractureForward, Down, Down, Back Punch
ReptileIndigestion (Mid)Forward, Back, Down, Back Kick
Li MeiRoman Candle (Close)Forward, Back, Forward, Front Kick
Happy New YearBack Forward, Down, Back Kick
KenshiBlended (Close)Forward, Down, Down, Back Punch
BarakaSplit Decision (Close)Back, Forward, Down, Front Punch (Close)
Baraka’s Second FatalityRight, Left, Down, Circle
GerasSand Storm (Mid)Forward, Down, Down, Back Kick
Shang TsungSide Effects (Mid)Back, Down, Down, Back Kick (Close)
General ShaoSpin Cycle (Mid)Back, Forward, Down, Front Punch
SindelHair Comes Trouble (Mid)Down, Back, Down, Front Punch
ReikoThe Impaler (Mid)Down, Down, Back, Back Punch
For the General (Close)Back, Down, Down, Back Kick
RaidenThe Storm’s Arrival (Close)Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch (Close)
Liu KangDouble Dragon (Close)Down, Forward, Back, Back Kick (Close)
Johnny CageHollywood Walk of Pain (Close)Forward, Back, Down, Back Punch (Close)
Kung LaoLao’d and Clear (Mid)Back, Forward, Back, Back Kick (Mid)
AshrahHeavenly Light (Mid)Down, Forward, Down, Back Punch (Mid)
Ashrah’s Second FatalityDown, Down, Left, Circle
NitaraVaeternus Kombat (Mid)Down, Down, Back, Front Punch (Mid)
HavikAtomic Heart (Close)Down, Forward, Down, Back Kick (Close)
Source: Neverrealm Studios
Fatalities are some of the most fun parts of the game. It’s going to be tricky to learn all of these at once. There’s still more to come for quite a few characters too, so there are more fatalities for a lot of characters. Some even make use of MK kameo fighters. However, if you focus on your main and memorize them as you unlock them, you’ll be able to pull out MK 1 Fatalities whenever you need them!