The finale for the current year of Apex Legends esports is nearly upon us, the Apex Legends Global Series 2023 Championship. This is the climax of an entire year of competitive Apex Legends. Smaller complaints and little seasonal changes might sometimes dominate conversation over Apex, but the ALGS hasn’t disappointed this year. It’s in just a short time we’ll find our champions at the ALGS Championship 2023.
The ALGS has had its ups and downs this year with various bugs but the competition has now whittled down to the best players from around the world. This is how the tournament will work and everything to expect at the Apex Legends Global Series 2023 World Championship.
Source: Respawn
How to Watch the ALGS Championship 2023
The Apex Legends Global Series 2023 Championship is the climax of this year’s competitive circuit. It’s taking place in Britain, but fans from anywhere in the world can follow along. It’s going to be broadcast on just about every platform. The tournament will be shown on the official Apex Legends esports channel on Twitch, named playapex, and on YouTube. On either of these, you can catch the live games for the entire Grand Finales. It’s all taking place over September 6-10. Four full days of action decide which team is the champion of 2023 Apex Legends esports.
Apex Legends Global Series 2023 Championship Format
As a Battle Royale game, there’s a particularly unique format for tournaments like the ALGS. The ALGS Championship 2023 this year is operating in roughly the same format as in the past. We start things out with the Group Stage. At this point, the forty teams are moved into four groups of ten. They each play other in a six-game series. Everyone from this stage goes through to the next. However, the highest scoring twenty enter in the winners bracket and the lower start in losers.
In the bracket stage, we get an 8-game series. There’s one in the winners bracket and one in the losers. The top ten teams from the winners move to the finals. The lower ten join the losers bracket for a second round with the top ten moving to the finals. Everyone else in this stage is eliminated and their run at the ALGS Championship 2023 is over.
The final stage is the Finals. This is where we see who the winner for Apex Legends Global Series 2023 is. This round has no match limit. Teams have to keep playing until they reach 50 points. Then, they become match point eligible. A team who can win the match after this will be the winner. Once one team pushes ahead and wins, the other remaining teams’ placement will be decided based on the final standing of points.
Source: Respawn
Teams and Groups at ALGS Championship
That’s how the Apex Legends Global Series 2023 is going to run. Which are the teams who have made it this far in Apex Legends esports though? These are all of the teams and the groups they’re in.
Oxygen Esports
OpTic Gaming
Aurora Gaming
MDY White
GoNext Esports
LG Chivas
Element 6
100 Thieves
Start a fight Esports
Les Cités de France
DarkZero Esports
FaZe Clan
Ganbare otousan
Complexity Gaming
Enter Force.36
Tom Yum Kung
The Dojo
Moist Esports
ONIC Esports
FC Destrov
JLINGZ Esports
Iron blood Gaming
That’s how everything going to work for the ALGS Championship 2023. As the Grand Finale Apex Legends esports for the year, it’s definitely worth tuning here. It’s here we’ll see the best Apex Legends players compete to find the very best team this year.