Brawlhalla is one of the most fun fighters, enduring as a platform fighter way past most other challengers who attempt the genre. The game still has one of the biggest epsorts communities among the best fighting games, and it’s free-to-play. With the game being free to play though comes the inevitable marketplace of paid items to let players show off and spend money on the game. Where there’s premium items and skins, there’s always the drive to get the rarest items in Brawlhalla.
Most games that are free-to-play have some kind of scarcity to its in-game items. Brawlhalla brings its Battle Pass items and other cosmetics back a lot more than you’ll see in Fortnite Battle Passes. However, there’s still quite a few limited items and outfits that have gone on to be the rarest items in Brawlhalla. If you’re wondering how many of the most exclusive items you’ve already got in your account, these are the rarest Brawlhalla items.
Rarest Items in Brawlhalla
5. BCX 2016 Pack Mammoth Helpers
Source: Blue Mammoth Games
The BCX 2016 or 2017 avatars each came with Mammoth helper items. These were originally available to purchase through Steam. However, since Brawlhalla crossplay has been added they can’t come back. These were items that contributed to Brawlhalla esports prize pools. However, since they can’t come back with crossplay now a thing, these are only getting rarer.
4. Yeti Teros
Source: Blue Mammoth Games
This is a cosmetic that you very rarely see. It’s actually never been in the full game store. It was actually an item bundled in with a Brawlhalla code. You could get it by purchasing a particular Brawlhalla t-shirt. Unless you bought actual real-life merch you can’t get access to this skin. This is one of the rarest Brawlhalla skins.
3. Spring Breeze Bow
Source: Blue Mammoth Games
The Spring Breeze Bow came from the 2018 spring championship Bundle. These packs were only available for a very short period. If you weren’t buying Brawlhalla cosmetic when they were out, you can’t ever grab these again! They’ve since become one of the rarest items in Brawlhalla.
2. Dawn Hammer
Source: Blue Mammoth Games
The Dawnhammer was a hammer skin available in a pack in May 2017. It was for the 2017 Spring Championship. These exclusive packs haven’t returned in the years since. Only players who were actively purchasing new items in 2017 were able to grab this one! This definitely makes it one of the rarest Brawlhalla skins, especially for the Hammer.
1. Alpha and Beta Avatars
Source: u/hxnyaku, reddit
In terms of absolute rarity for Brawlhalla items, these have to come in number 1. They were items that players could unlock by taking part in the alpha or beta tests. Since this was before the game even launched, you can’t get them unless you played super early. At this point, you actually had to pay for the game unless you had an invite! Since these come from the very start of the game and won’t ever come back, they’re by far the rarest items in Brawlhalla. They weren’t paid either. The rarest items in Brawlhalla were handed over just for logging in, providing you had access in the very earliest part of the game.