This one WoW Classic quest is guaranteed to tank your Hardcore run without fail
This one WoW Classic quest is guaranteed to tank your Hardcore run without fail

While most quests in World of Warcraft are completable without dying, there’s one that’s guaranteed to kill your character. Although this is a neat little piece of unique gameplay in traditional WoW Classic, it’s something that will 100 percent, without a doubt, ruin any chance you have of completing a Classic Hardcore run. Should you encounter this quest, don’t even bother accepting it, lest you make a (literally) fatal mistake. 

The quest that’s guaranteed to kill your character is called “Meet at the Grave,” and it requires you to drink an elixir that only has one end result: death. And in WoW Classic Hardcore, you only get one life to play around with. Don’t waste it by trying to complete a quest that’s going to kill you without any mercy or second chances. 

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