With so many skins under his name, let’s see which are the best skins for one of the most popular champions LoL: Ezreal.
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Why Ezreal is so popular
Ezreal was first introduced to LoL in 2010, and thanks to his incredibly skillful kit, he instantly became an all-time favorite. Regardless of the meta or how powerful he is relative to other ADCs, Ezreal always has a place among players.
His unique nature as a poke champion makes him a top choice to carry games in both solo queue and professional play, giving him the chance to showcase impeccable mechanics. And given his popularity, it’s not surprising to see him collect a high amount of skins on Summoner’s Rift. With the latest Faerie Court skin line, Ezreal has now 17 unique skins (18 when including the classic one). These numbers put him as the third-highest champion with the most amount of skins, on par with Ahri, Akali, and Caitlyn (and only behind Miss Fortune and Lux).
Given the high amount of choices, it can be hard for players to immediately nail the purchases and get the best ones. But don’t worry—we got you covered. We have selected what we think are the five best Ezreal skins in LoL, so make sure to check our rankings before opening your wallet and purchasing some RPs.
Best Ezreal skins in LoL
Here are the 6 best Ezreal Skins you can find in the game:
Pulsefire Ezreal
You can’t really disregard Ezreal’s ultimate skin when it comes to ranking it. The champion has the most unique sound and visual effects, but on top of that, he also got a special recall and animations like when he unlocks his ultimate.
Visually, it’s one of the best ones you can ever get in the game, but I’ve found myself struggling to play it. While the animations are exquisite, they do feel a bit clunky at times. It might be my problem, so you probably have to feel for it yourself. Regardless, the amount of work put into this skin justifies the 3,250 RP price point: get it if you like the futuristic style.
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PsyOps Ezreal
Going along the modern and mecha-ish theme, we also have PsyOps Ezreal. It has a great color palette while also adding some armor that perfectly suits the champion.
While it’s not as flashy as other Ezreal skins, this is one of the best ones to play in LoL. It has an incredibly good sound design and since the sounds are usually loud, it really gives that idea of being in the middle of a fight. And on top of that, it gives Ezreal a more mature look, which you might not see in many of his other skins.
There isn’t much difference for me between the normal and the Prestige edition, but if I were to choose one, I would probably go with the traditional PsyOps skin.
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Arcade Ezreal
Ezreal’s legendary skins are not too shabby. The Arcade skin theme worked for many different champions, and he’s no exception. His colors are vivid and greatly resemble the gaming theme. Moreover, he gets great sound and visual effects, as well as special animations that match the skin. If you don’t want to spend too much and want to get a solid skin to enjoy both looking at and playing, Arcade Ezreal should be worth your Riot Points.
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Star Guardian Ezreal
The Star Guardian skin line is probably one of the most famous in LoL, given the aesthetics and the colors that attract the younger generation of players. Being a teenage boy, it was inevitable to see Ezreal getting a Star Guardian skin as well, giving him a hero-esque and elegant look. While the skin didn’t get special treatment in other departments, the looks of it are already good enough for the 1,350 RP you’re supposed to pay for it.
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Porcelain Protector Ezreal
Riot Games loves to celebrate the Lunar New Year, given the great player base it has in eastern regions, and in particular, China. And for 2022 New Year, Riot decided to add those Chinese elements to the Porcelain skin line.
By using the white and blue color palette which resembles the patterns of traditional Chinese tableware, the designers were able to give all Porcelain skins, including Ezreal’s, really nice aesthetics, with unique particles and special animations. However, because it is a legendary skin, it is not a cheap skin: it will cost players 1,820 Riot Points to purchase it.
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Battle Academia
The last skin to round off our list is yet another Legendary skin, Battle Academia Ezreal. Not only can the ADC represent the hero-esque look with the Star Guardian skin, but Riot also decided to give him the shonen anime’s looks, adding great sound effects, new voice lines, as well as insanely detailed animations.
For example, by taking inspiration from various anime sources, Ezreal’s ultimate ability will show different cast animations as he slowly puts more levels into it, to represent his increasing power.
Every animation has been changed with lots of inspiration from various anime sources. Battle Academia Ezreal is slowly getting the hang of his newly awakened abilities, so you’ll see his Ultimate ability cast animation change as he puts more points into Trueshot Barrage (or “Crimson Cobalt” as he likes to call it) to show his increasing mastery over his powers, just like some sort of shonen anime plot.
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