NICKMERCS to host $50K solo-queue Apex tournament, The Gauntlet League
NICKMERCS to host $50K solo-queue Apex tournament, The Gauntlet League

NICKMERCS has always been at the top of the Apex community, constantly supporting the casual and competitive scene with multiple tournaments that highlighted alternate ways to play Apex, from requiring Loba in every composition during her season five debut to focusing his most recent MFAM Gauntlet all around Team Deathmatch in season 16.

Now, NICKMERCS has announced his biggest Apex tournament yet: The Gauntlet League, a three-week solo-queue invitational league that will feature the best players in North America from Aug. 7 to 28. A $50,000 total prize pool is set for the event, with payouts every week for the highest performers and at the Beta Season Playoffs, where players will compete for a cut of $35,000.

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