Did you know that Clash Royale has a chest cycle through which you can know what is the next chest you are going to unlock? Here’s the complete guide on how you can figure it out.
Chests are a way to get rewards like Gold, Gems, Cards, and more in the game. You can get chests by playing matches, purchasing them with gems, winning them from a challenge or tournament, or through Clan Wars. There are many types of Chests in Clash Royale, each of which offer different rewards. The popular ones are listed as follows:
Wooden Chest
Crown Chest
Silver Chest
Golden Chest
Magical Chest
Giant Chest
Royal Wild Chest
Epic Chest
Legendary Chest
Image Credits: Supercell
These are the chests you can win in battle in increasing order of rarity. If you have been playing Clash Royale, getting a rarer chest after winning a match is an added cherry on the cake. But, if you have been winning many matches back-to-back and are wondering when the next big chest is arriving, there is an order of rewards that Supercell follows to tell you exactly that. Here’s the Clash Royale Chest Cycle explained.
Knowing the next chest you are going to receive is also helpful for clearing your slots. Clash Royale only has four chest slots and if they are full, you won’t be able to get more chests by winning battles. Chests take time to unlock so keeping them empty is important when you are going to get a rarer chest.
How to check the Clash Royale Chest Cycle?
Image Credits: Supercell
Based on your King Level, there are six kinds of Chest Cycles in Clash Royale. Instead of memorizing these, the easiest way to know the next Chest you will be receiving is through Royale API. To do this, follow these steps:
Open the Royale API website.
Enter your name or tag. This can be found by clicking on your player name in the main menu of Clash Royale. Hit search.
You will be able to see all the account details for your Clash Royale ID.
Scroll down to the Upcoming Chests option. Here, you will be able to see the upcoming chests for you.
And that’s how you can figure out the Chest Cycle in Clash Royale! You can now login and play the game while being aware of your upcoming rewards.
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