If you’re struggling to deal with Cho’gath during your games, here are the five best counters to beat him inside and outside of the laning phase.
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5 Best Cho’Gath Counters
Cho’Gath is a weird top lane champion to play. He can be overpowered in the right hands and scale infinitely, becoming an unkillable front line tank with thousands and thousands of health. Paired up with his knockups, silences, and slows, he’s a really annoying champion to deal with.
On the other hand, though, he can be heavily abused during the early game and later in the game due to his immobile nature. And even though he has lots of sustain to survive the laning phase, there are some matchups that are borderline impossible to play into. Here are the five best counters to beat Cho’Gath this season.
Fiora – The Giantslayer
If Cho’Gath is the perfect representation of juggernauts and bulky and immobile tanks, Fiora is the exact opposite: she has dashes and the passive ability to quickly shred through Cho’Gath’s health bar.
The vitals deal too much damage and grant her the sustain Cho’Gath would typically get from minions and monsters.
On top of that, Fiora can easily dodge the void champion’s abilities with her Q and W. She can also parry the ultimate if she’s particularly proficient at the champion, but it requires perfect timing.
During the laning phase, you’re not looking to trade heavily until level six. Once you get the ultimate, that’s when Fiora can start fighting Cho’Gath and take him down. He’s going to be tanky from the start, though, so focus more on denying him experience and stacks on minions while you slowly scale to your items.
Later in the game, he won’t be able to match you: dash toward him and chunk his health by constantly hitting vitals. He won’t be able to retaliate in any way.
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Gwen – The AP Version of Fiora
Just like the blade master, Gwen does an equal job of destroying Cho’Gath. That said, Gwen needs more time to scale up and get her trio of core items before having the damage needed to kill him.
Avoid trading with him at all early on: his base damages are far greater than yours and since he has built-in sustain, it’s never worth trading your health for his.
Farm safely and try to get lane priority if possible. If he tries to freeze, you will have to quickly crash the minion waves or he can walk up and punish you.
Once you get into the mid-game, you’ll slowly get the upper hand in most trades, especially if you’re able to deal true damage with your Qs.
The more items you get, the harder it will be for him to kill you. Thanks to the slows and dashes in Gwen’s kit, you’ll always be able to stick to him and not give him a chance to run away.
Dr. Mundo – The battle between tanks
Even though you don’t get much value by beating Cho’Gath, Dr. Mundo is one of the best counters to neutralize him. This is because Dr. Mundo’s Q deals damage based on current health, allowing you to consistently chunk the enemy, even if he heals up to maximum health.
Once Dr. Mundo gets Heartsteel as a Mythic item, he can consistently proc that and Grasp of the Undying on Cho’Gath, quickly stacking a lot of maximum health. And while the enemy can do the same, Dr. Mundo gains a lot more sustain the tankier he gets which Cho’Gath won’t be able to counter.
Laning wise, look to throw your Machete and harass him by killing minions with your E. He will be most likely pushed against his turret, losing valuable CS. It’s vital that you don’t die to ganks, though, so ward your nearby areas before starting to play aggressively.
Read also: Best Dr. Mundo counters in LoL
Kled – One of the most underrated counters for Cho’Gath
Kled is also another champion that can bully Cho’Gath in the early game. Kled has anti-healing on his Q, and he can easily dash into Cho’Gath’s face as soon as he walks up to last hit minions.
The former will always win during the short trades, and even if Cho’Gath can dismount Kled from Skaarl, he can quickly build his passive back up again.
Always go Ravenous Hydra and Blade of the Ruined King in this matchup if the enemy Cho’Gath is building lots of HP.
Otherwise, get Eclipse and Serylda’s Grudge if he’s building lots of armor. Regardless, Kled has good itemization to counter him.
Make sure to wait until the second item spike: that’s when Kled will start winning consistently. If you happen to mess up and fall behind, don’t allow him to get more feast stacks onto you: help your team rather than matching him 1 on 1.
Sylas – I’m you, but better.
Even though Sylas is not a traditional top laner, he does a wonderful job of beating Cho’Gath from the very beginning to the end.
This is because Sylas has mobility that allows him to engage or disengage from the enemy at his own will. Unless Sylas heavily misplays, there is little chance Cho’Gath can hit the enemy with his Q.
Moreover, Sylas has insane burst damage combos and outsustain him in the trade thanks to his W. Cho’Gath can only sit back and farm safely or he will find himself in dangerous situations where he might be killed.
But most importantly, Sylas can constantly steal Cho’Gath’s ultimate to get feast stacks and become a tanky AP bruiser with a mage-like burst potential. Thanks to this, Sylas will also become more resistant and compensate for what was supposed to be one of his weaknesses.
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