3 Ways to Get the Master Sword in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
3 Ways to Get the Master Sword in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The best weapon in Tears of the Kingdom is The Master Sword. It’s both powerful and able to regenerate after losing durability. And while you can rely on some pretty powerful weapon fusions to make your way to the end of the game, is Link’s whole look really complete without the Master Sword and Hylian Shield?

There are actually multiple ways for you to obtain the sword depending on what path you take. As long as you have 2 full wheels of stamina, there are officially 3 different ways to get your hands on the Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom. Here’s everything you need to know below, or you can take a look at our Master Sword walkthrough for more detailed info.

1. Cleansing the Great Deku Tree

The primary path to obtaining the Master Sword is a lot like it was in Breath of the Wild, but with a twist. You’ll first need to clear the majority of the main quests until you receive a quest to visit the Great Deku Tree called Trail of the Master Sword.

Just like Breath of the Wild, you will need to head over to the Lost Woods in the Great Hyrule forest. You will need to traverse the Depths to find your way in and then clear the Gloom to get access to the tree, but after that the Great Deku will mark the location of the Master Sword on your map. See our guide on how to get through the Lost Woods for assistance.

2. Find All of the Dragon Tears (Geoglyphs)

Depending on whether or not you follow the standard path in Tears of the Kingdom, you should end up finding yourself in a quest called Impa and the Geoglyphs. Located outside the New Serenne Stable in Hyrule Ridge, Impa will be standing next to a hot air balloon awaiting you.

This quest will lead you down the path of discovering all of the Geoglyphs and Dragon Tear locations. By unlocking all of these memories, you will end up with a quest update that can direct you straight to the Master Sword.

3. Find the Light Dragon

Technically the quickest path to getting the Master Sword is finding the Light Dragon. And while the easiest way to find the Light Dragon is to complete one of the quests above and obtain it’s location, you can also make your way to it before that if you’re determined enough.

Due to the extremely high altitude of the Light Dragon earlier on in the game, you will need to either create a really high flying Zonai Device or leap off of one of the highest islands. One such island is the Zonaite Forge Island, which you can reach by climbing up the waterfall.

To add to the difficulty here, you will still need to find the Light Dragon and jump on its back. Unlike Breath of the Wild, the Dragons circle the entirety of Hyrule, making them hard to pin down. You can use our guide to the Light Dragon Path for some assistance. Once you make your way onto its back, you’ll find the Master Sword in its head. And while you’re there, you might as well farm some Dragon parts while you’re at it.

Looking for help finding more stuff in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? You can check out our guide on how to find everything, including Korok Seeds, Armor Sets, and more.

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