Fortnite Chapter 4 kicked off a little bit early, after just four seasons in Chapter 3, but we’re now in full swing of Fortnite Chapter 4 with Season 3. This game is always moving forward though, so when does the Fortnite season end?
The current Fortnite Season, Chapter 4 Season 3, is scheduled to end on August 25th 2023 at 2am ET.
This would put it around average length for a Fortnite season. There’s a possibility it gets extended, but that’s the current end date according to the in-game Battle Pass timer.
Epic doesn’t give official end dates for seasons publicly until they’re teasing what’s next. The Battle Pass and seasonal quests usually give us a clear idea of when we can expect to hit the new Season though.
Credit: Epic Games
When Does the Fortnite Season End?
The current season is due to end at the end of August 2023. The season began on June 9th. This would put the end of the season in the normal length range, although Epic is liable to change things as and when they see fit.
If this Fortnite season end date remains on August 25th, the season would end up being 77 days long. This is just a few days shorter than the Chapter 4 Season 2, which was 85 days long.
It’s around average for what most Fortnite seasons have been lately. While the record length of Fortnite all seasons is 128 days, 77-85 is roughly in the middle of estimates. There have been some shorter ones, but most are around this time.
It’s worth remembering that Epic frequently changes their in-game timers for the end of the season. Chapter 4 Season 1 had a strange situation where in the space of about a week, Epic used three different end dates for the season in official communications. Sometimes differentiating between a season’s “end date” and the next one’s start which were a few days apart. Despite going back and forth, the answer to when does the Fortnite season end then didn’t change too much.
In one of the Season 2 patches, Epic even gave out cosmetics without quests because of an incorrect in-game timer. Their timer for the end of the bonus skin was incorrect and never got corrected. This has meant Epic had to hand out some of the Geralt cosmetics to those who missed it.
Will the Current Season be Extended?
The Fortnite season end date we know about so far is from references to the end of the Battle Pass, but it’s not an indisputable fact. Fortnite leaks heading into season 2 pointed toward a much longer date. One prominent leaker even claimed it would rival Chapter 2 Seasons 1 and 2 for their length! Those two early seasons ran for 128 days and 119 days respectively. Many players’ time spent on Fortnite went up significantly with all of the grinding.
While we could see an extension of the Fortnite season end date, there are reasons to think all will go smoothly this time. Epic is avoiding dropping new content right around their breaks, major updates have come on time, and the end date seems in line with all quests and content. It would even give them a safe margin for Season 3 before the summer break, avoiding the early problems of Chapter 4.
Ultimately, we could end up with a different answer to when does the Fortnite season end, but it looks promising for now. Make sure to keep up with all of the latest Fortnite news for the top updates!