With the season officially entering its second half, LoL devs published first on Weibo a vlog update on some of the hottest topics, including LoL Arena.
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LoL devs update – Balancing Arena and return of Blue Essence Emporium
The video was released on July 28, but it was recorded prior to the start of the Summer Event on July 18. In the dev vlog, Riot devs Meddler and Brightmoon shared that they can’t be sure the LoL Arena, the 2v2v2v2 game mode, will return in the future. They also added that if it does, it will be tweaked slightly.
“This version of Arena is intended specifically for Soul Fighter, and we wanted to take some time to hear feedback… before we make any future decisions. Assuming Arena does return in the future, there are definitely some features we didn’t get to in this version,” Brightmoon said.
The Rioter continued by saying that they wanted to take some time to listen to the feedback before making any decisions. If it does, though, players will likely love the new features that will be included. Starting from custom lobbies and having the ability to queue up with multiple friends, these were all things fans have been asking for ever since the game mode was teased, and even more so now that it’s on the live servers.
The two also spoke about the return of the Blue Essence Emporium, which should be coming in Patch 13.17 on August 30, according to the official patch schedule. They also added that the event will be available twice a year. Aside from this, the more major changes are “under the hood” and, before the Emporium goes live, players should get a special button to disenchant multiple champions at once. Finally.
Read also: Best LoL Arena Team Comps
Riot Brightmoon and Meddler also share updates on Quick play…
Quick play has been in the works for a while, with Riot’s goal to make the gaming experience less time-consuming for the community. Their goal was to use it to replace Blind pick and it would allow players to jump right into a game without champion select. While it was initially planned to be ready before the mid-season patch, the release of Arena and other things have delayed its implementation. That said, they reassured fans by concluding it will be arriving later this year.
Wild Rift Skins, champion icons, Jax’s VGU, and the upcoming champion Briar
Star Guardian Seraphine and Orianna were the first two skins added to LoL from Wild Rift and they happened to be one of the most successful aspects of the year, according to the Rioters. With that in mind, the LoL devs confirmed they will be looking to release another two Star Guardian Skins, Redeemed Star Guardian Xayah and Rakan, in a future patch update.
That said, they haven’t revealed when the two will exactly be coming. The LoL devs also promised a couple of updates to the ability icons for Graves, Janna, Jarvan IV, Nami, Orianna, and Varus in August. Riot Meddler also confirmed Jax’s visual and audio update, mentioning it will come at some point this year, even though no precise date was given.
To round off the update, Riot mentioned that the 2024 preseason will include “significant work on items and the item system”, and that fans will be able to know more in the near future. Among those changes, there will also be Briar, the upcoming new LoL champion, which was initially teased in the 2023 roadmap post.
Read more: Riot reveals updates on Project L and the chance to try the game