Armored Core 6 hands-on preview: Some assembly required

The Juggernaut is an impenetrable wall of metal, a tank that simply mows you down if you dare get in its path. Fortunately, it has a weak spot: on its rear side, right where its fiery jets are. I just need to focus my attacks there. But that’s much easier said than done, as getting around the back of this monstrous steel machine requires you to be quick. This was a much simpler task when my ally, a fellow armored core, was distracting the boss, but he’s flown off, leaving me alone and firmly in its sights.

Like a matador, I stand in front of the Juggernaut (ill-advised), encouraging it to charge at me, and trying to avoid the explosives it’s dropping left-right-and-center. When it moves, I strike, boosting behind it and unloading my missiles and shotgun-like weapon. But I didn’t boost quickly enough; it swiftly turns around and turns me into scrap before I have the chance to stagger it. I let out a frustrated sigh and start the whole dance over again, in hopes that this time I’ll be faster and able to wail on him with my melee weapon.

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