sApex Legends is known for being a team game. Unlike some other Battle Royales, the focus is very much on playing with others. However, usually, those teams are limited to three. Thanks to a recent bug though, Apex Legends 8 player squads have been appearing in games! This issue is causing teams to spawn in with more than double the standard number of players.
Apex Legends has had its share of bugs in recent seasons. It has had issues that affect general gameplay, Apex esports, that’s along with making widely unpopular changes to core modes like Ranked. This latest bug goes a bit further though. It’s giving players a huge advantage in the game. The big question is really how widespread this Apex Legends 8-player squad bug is, and if players can recreate it before it gets patched.
Source: u/CTDThirteen, Reddit
Apex Legends 8 Player Squads Bug
Players have discovered a new bug in Apex Legends which has allowed players to double the team size. A recent bug allowed players to get an eight-man team active in a game that was made for three-player squads. A reddit user has noticed the bug taking place on the Broken Moon map. The game seemed to be running like normal, but on the map there was an 8-man squad!
This was a trios game. Every other team was limited to three players. One squad was roaming around with more players active though. This is a bug which has been active in the past, but it seems to have made a return at the end of Season 17.
This kind of a bug is a huge disadvantage for other players. At the moment, it doesn’t look like anyone has discovered how to purposely replicate the glitch. If that is found out though, the game will become difficult to play until it’s fixed. Hopefully, this is a bug which only pops up once or twice rather than something that comes to ruin a lot of games.
We’re counting down at the moment until the launch of Apex Legends Season 18. The release date is coming up quickly. Fans are likely expecting some bigger changes to fix some of the major problems with the current build of the game then. Hopefully, big bugs like this can be sorted with or before the new season release though.