Game director Hideaki Itsuno spoke a little about the upcoming action RPG at Capcom's showcase.
We didn’t get a ton of new Dragon’s Dogma 2 information at Capcom’s showcase today, but director Hideaki Itsuno did appear to provide some context for the trailer released a couple weeks ago. One of those details is that the action RPG will have a very big world.
“Dragon’s Dogma 2 is built with the RE engine, resulting in a dense world woven with high graphical fidelity,” said Itsuno through a translator. “You’ll enjoy a world roughly four-times the size of the original Dragon’s Dogma, with more to experience than ever before.”
Games have been promising bigger worlds since there were game worlds to speak of—Starfield‘s selling us over 1,000 planets—but in videogames and other areas of life, the importance of size is hotly debated.
I didn’t play the original Dragon’s Dogma, but I’m told by Capcom ARPG-liker Rich Stanton that it felt enormous as you criss-crossed the map on quests. Part of its appeal was the density of its world, though—it wasn’t one of those vast-but-empty videogame landscapes—so the question here is whether that density will really be maintained in a much larger world.
Itsuno says it will, and that’s all we have to go on for now.
World size aside, watching that recent Dragon’s Dogma 2 trailer (embedded below) is making me feel like I messed up by not checking out the original. I’ve gotta add that to my to-do list, because it looks sick. I especially like the bit where our hero destroys the bridge she’s standing on while the monster she was fighting steps safely onto land.
We didn’t get a Dragon’s Dogma 2 release date at the showcase, I’m afraid. Whenever that ends up being, it’ll be on Steam.