One of the most fun aspects of Mortal Kombat is the chance to mix things up with special moves when you’re winning. Finishers are fun, but if you want to be a good sport online then you’ll need to know how to Mercy in Mortal Kombat 11.
A Mercy in MK11 is a different type of finisher. It’s an alternative to the traditional Fatality. Instead of executing a gory move to finish the match, you instead give your opponent a second chance. Along with features like some MK 11 crossplay, it’s a nice addition that really helps to flesh the game out. In theory, it’s a nice move of sportsmanship, although in execution it can actually be a bit toxic too! This is how to mercy in Mortal Kombat 11 if you want to crack into it.
How to Mercy in Mortal Kombat 1
The process for how to mercy in Mortal Kombat 11 is relatively simple. It’s a single input that’ll you’ll have to learn for all of the Mortal Kombat 11 characters.
To perform a Mercy in MK 11, you’ll need to first defeat your opponent. Then when you hit the “Finish Him” point, move slightly backwards from your opponent. Then hold down the left trigger and press down three times. This is also basically the inputs of “teabagging”, a common toxic gloat at the end of the round. That pops up across the best fighting games, and if you’re not careful your gloating will lead to another chance in MK 11!
Source: Warner Bros Games
That’s all you need to do that! How to Mercy in Mortal Kombat 11 comes down to that. It is a move with some downsides though. You earn fewer points for a Mercy in MK 11 than for other finishers. Although, if you beat your opponent again you still have the opportunity to do an actual finisher at the very end.
Why Should You Mercy in MK11?
A Mercy in MK 11 can achieve a few things. The first is give the opponent a brief chance at a comeback. It’s unlikely they’ll win, but it can be a polite thing to do. The much more common reason for learning how to Mercy in Mortal Kombat 11 is to rub salt in the wound.
Players will mercy another player, to give them that sliver of health and a second chance. They’ll then taunt or do some other awful behaviour to rub in just how much of a skill difference there is, before finishing the game anyway!
Source: Warner Bros Games
It really doesn’t matter which side of the coin you’re on. The process for how to Mercy in Mortal Kombat 11 is the same either way! This isn’t like how to do fatalities in MK 11 either, there are no different inputs you’ll have to learn.
With this knowledge of how to mercy in Mortal Kombat 11, you can pull this off as often as you like! There are a lot of ways you can use the Mercy, so get cracking thinking up the most fun ways giving someone a second chance can enhance your games or ways to use it for more stinging putdowns on defeated opponents.