If you feel like you’re powerless when playing against Mordekaiser, here are some of the best counters you need to know to take him down.
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5 Best Mordekaiser Counters
Mordekaiser is one of the few viable AP top lane bruisers in the game. He’s quite strong against most top lane tanks and bruisers he faces thanks to his passive and the ability to steal the enemies’ stats with his Realm of Death.
With the introduction of strong AP bruiser items this season, Mordekaiser has found his own space in the meta as a great lane counter. This is also why he can be oppressive to play against since he has the ability to win most 1v1s. For that reason, we have created a list of the five best counters to use against Mordekaiser, alongside all the tips to play the matchup in the best way possible.
Yone – One of the best Mordekaiser counters
The best thing about Yone is that you can avoid Mordekaiser’s Realm of Death (ultimate) with the E, as long as you are able to time it well. You should cast it while the enemy is trying to channel the ability.
Soul Unbound (E) is also super useful since it grants additional movement speed to Yone, increasing the chances of dodging Mordekaiser’s abilities. It also deals true damage.
Use your Qs to hit him while he’s farming minions, as well as the W to shield yourself.
Since Yone deals mixed damage, Mordekaiser will also have a tough time itemizing against both types of resistances.
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Kled – Not afraid to trade with you
Kled always has Skaarl to prevent himself from dying inside the Realm of Death. Even if Mordekaiser is able to unmount the champion, he likely won’t have enough damage to finish him off.
Mordekaiser struggles against Kled since the latter is a lot stronger when it comes to short trades thanks to the increased attack speed.
Pay attention to how he uses his abilities. As soon as Mordekaiser uses Q or E, go for a trade.
The enemy will build early armor. If you’re not able to kill him, prioritize roams with your ultimate.
Tryndamere – Fight me if you can
Tryndamere prevails in most trades against Mordekaiser due to his ability to deal more damage the lower his health is.
Thanks to his ultimate, Tryndamere will never be able to die inside Mordekaiser’s Realm of Death.
Mordekaiser is quite immobile and Tryndamere can chase after him with the W slow and the dash from the E.
Mordekaiser might call help from the jungler early on. Track the enemy’s movements and don’t overextend: you need to make sure Mordekaiser cannot get a lead in this matchup.
Even if Mordekaiser stacks armor, he shouldn’t be able to beat you. Put pressure on the side lanes whenever he’s not in the lane.
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Jax – It’s time to duel
With the new Jax rework, he is now able to beat Mordekaiser thanks to the empowered Counter Strike.
Make sure to dodge Mordekaiser’s Qs when walking up to the minions to last hit. Having a health advantage is important.
Jax wins most extended trades early on. Be aware of the state of the minion waves before initiating a trade: you don’t want to lose health for that.
Try to hold your ultimate until Mordekaiser ults so you can get extra resistances while in the Death Realm. If you cast it earlier, Mordekaiser will also be able to steal a part of those bonus stats as well.
Olaf – it’s all about early-game trades
Olaf can easily chase after Mordekaiser with his Undertow (Q). For that to happen, however, you must play with the minion waves and force Mordekaiser to overextend. The best way is to create a freeze close to your turret and trade with him as soon as he tries to crash the waves.
Olaf will always be able to win the trades at all levels thanks to the increased lifesteal and attack speed.
You can cleanse Mordekaiser’s ultimate with your own Ragnarok so make sure to always cast it after him.
Run Ghost in this matchup to increase your chasing ability.
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