Jinx is one of the most popular and most played champions in LoL: here are the best and strongest counters to win against her.
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5 Best Jinx Counters
After becoming the protagonist of the Netflix series Arcane, Jinx established herself as one of the most loved characters in the entire League of Legends universe. In the game, she boasts a strong and fun kit to play that is not too hard to learn, making it a good champion to understand the fundamentals of the game.
Those who play ADC often probably will find themselves playing against Jinx on many occasions. Even though she’s not an aggressive early-game champion, a great Jinx player can easily take over and single-handedly carry the games.
If you’re wondering which champions are best to counter Jinx, whether it’s during the laning phase or the team comp overall, here are the five champions you should consider.
Karthus – The cheesy but effective pick
Karthus can take advantage of Jinx’s low mobility to hit his Qs and quickly chunk her health bar. Karthus has long enough range to cast his abilities from afar, not giving Jinx to trade back.
Karthus does a wonderful job at bursting down squishy targets and Jinx is no exception. Thanks to the ultimate, Requiem, Karthus can deal thousands of damage to Jinx whenever he has it ready.
He can trade aggressively with Jinx and even if he dies, Karthus can use the passive to snatch kills in the process.
Both champions scale well later in the game, so Karthus will always be able to match Jinx at all times.
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Kog’Maw – Scaling? I do that but better.
Kog’Maw is just a stronger version of Jinx when it comes to late game scaling. Thanks to the higher DPS and range, Kog’Maw can quickly shred the enemies’ frontline and beat Jinx in terms of total damage output.
During the laning phase, however, Kog’Maw will be a bit weaker during the trades so you must play a waiting game and pick up a few items. Ideally, you want to wait at least until the second item.
Jinx and Kog’Maw will heavily depend on which support champions both champions are paired with. If you have a strong synergizing champion, you can use that advantage to push your lead faster.
Avoid giving kills at all costs and make sure to ward the areas to know if you’re about to get ganked or dove. Try to lose the least amount of experience and minion farm.
Ezreal – Hit me if you can
Ezreal has the big advantage of having long range abilities, allowing him to freely poke Jinx while kiting her back if she attempts to walk up. He is also a safe ADC that can be left alone, giving your support the ability to roam around the map and create advantage on the other lanes.
Just like Jinx, Ezreal has good scaling so playing against a non-aggressive ADC champion gives him more time to reach his item spikes.
The matchup, as always, is dependent on the support. That said, Ezreal is one of the few ADCs that can play the lane relatively well without needing much setup from the support. All you have to do is hit your abilities and farm safely without dying. If the enemy messes up or is low on health, you can try to E in and look for kills.
A good piece of advice is to quickly push waves and poke Jinx while she is busy farming the minions under turret.
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Miss Fortune – Get ready for a rain of bullets
Miss Fortune can use her abilities to bully Jinx during the laning phase. Thanks to her E and Q, MF can harass her without having to engage in trades.
Jinx will scale better than MF in terms of overall DPS, but MF has more upfront damage and the ability to burst down Jinx if she gets caught in the ultimate. By concatenating with the teammates’ crowd controls, it’s easy to take down Jinx if she doesn’t have Flash or other ways to survive the combos.
Miss Fortune now builds lethality and will prevail in short trades until the mid-game: use that to your advantage to get a substantial gold lead, and deny Jinx from experience and farm.
Twitch – He’s just hiding…
Twitch is one of the best Jinx counters in the game due to the higher range from his ultimate. In any teamfight, Twitch can freely auto attack her.
During the laning phase, each champion has its own advantage, with Twitch slightly favored. Jinx can find good poke with the AoE damage from the rockets by outranging Twitch while the poisonous rat is stronger on extended trades thanks to his passive and E.
Jinx will always look to push waves and harass Twitch when farming under turret: try to play in a way to maintain a freeze close to the turret and quickly clear the minions if they crash with the E.
To win against Jinx as Twitch, one of the most important things is positioning. Make sure Jinx cannot get into auto attack range and burst her down with your ultimate after using ambush.
Both champions prefer enchanter supports: in case you have the worst bot lane synergy, avoid trading heavily and wait for the jungler rather than going for 2v2 plays.
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