If you’re having a tough time playing against Annie in LoL, here are the best counters you should play to beat her.
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5 Best Annie Counters
Annie is one of the easiest champions to play in League of Legends. She has a user-friendly kit, making it perfect for beginners to learn the fundamentals of the game. She simplifies a lot of aspects for the players while also offering good damage output whenever you land the combos.
If you happen to play in the lower end of the solo queue ladder, chances are you have played against Annie a couple of times. In the event that you’re wondering which champions are the strongest against her, or what kind of picks she struggles against the most, below are the 5 best counters to beat Annie this season.
Xerath – Annie’s toughest counter
Xerath has a lot more range on his abilities, giving him the chance to freely harass Annie during the laning phase.
Run First Strike in this matchup to abuse the gold farming potential without necessarily having to kill her. Always use W first to slow her down and then follow up with Q.
Annie will always look to push the wave in this matchup so she can reset or roam. Try to freeze the minion wave close to the turret if she does so, and make her lose health if she attempts to shove it.
Annie will have lethal once she hits level six. Be careful with your health bar and don’t caught in a Flash-Q-Tibbers combo.
Garen will likely run Flash and Ghost in this matchup. Do the same so he cannot chase after you with the Summoners’ spells.
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Talon – Countering burst with more burst
The best thing about Talon is that he can push waves faster than Annie. Use the lane priority to roam around the map.
Harass Annie if she walks up to farm minions, but make sure to not get caught in her Q-W stun combo.
Talon has more damage than Annie until level six, so use that window to get a kill or a gold lead.
Respect Annie’s poke with Q and be aware of the enemy jungler: she can easily setup a gank with her stun.
If she rushes armor early, focus more on roaming than trading with her.
Hexdrinker is a great component to get after Serrated Dirk, especially if Annie some how gets a lead.
Anivia – More AoE damage
The best thing about this matchup is that as long as you have your passive, Anivia will never die to Annie’s burst damage. If she throws everything at you for a kill, she won’t have damage later to kill your egg form.
You will struggle early to match her wave clear, so play slowly early on and focus on last hitting and leveling up as much as possible. Anivia starts matching Annie’s pushing power once she gets the ultimate.
Anivia’s wall can be a good way to zone Annie out of the fight. Use it wisely, however, since she can always flash the wall for a combo.
Glacial Storm slows all the targets inside the zone. Use it to slow down Annie’s Tibbers and protect your allies.
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Malzahar – Sit and relax while scaling
Similar to Anivia, Malzahar needs a few item components and levels into his E to match Annie’s wave clearing. Don’t engage in aggressive trades against her.
The enemy Annie will likely have the jungler come to punish you. Make sure to track the enemies.
Malzahar has a spellshield that can negate Annie’s stun. Make sure to have it ready before the start of a trade or a skirmish. Be aware that Annie will look to auto attack you to take it down.
If Annie flashes in for a combo, you can immediately ult to prevent her from using Zhonya’s or casting the rest of the abilities.
Neeko – It’s time to blow her up
Use the lane minion trick to land your E-Q combos on Annie for free damage. Annie’s abilities are quite short-ranged, so Neeko can just walk as a minion to the lane and use this trick to get decent harass damage.
Annie will look to fight every time you don’t have the root available. Be aware of those window times.
Once you get to level six, you can easily go for a kill with an E-Q-R combo. You should have enough damage to take her down.
If the enemy Annie is just farming safely, quickly push the waves and roam to the side lanes first to get leads there.
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