The Outlast Trials is the third installment of the Outlast series. Like its predecessors, The Outlast Trials is a psychological survival horror game. It is a prequel to the first two games and deals with a Cold War experiment. Like all the Outlast games, it has been received well critically and is doing fine commercially.
The game is quite challenging on a psychological level but also on a technical and tactical level if you don’t have a whole party to play with. This is why it’s essential to level up and unlock new abilities as the game progresses. You can do this with the help of rigs, unique items that help you and your teammates survive longer.
Source: Red Barrels
Rigs can be bought and upgraded, and you’ll need more of them as you progress further into the game. Let’s now look at how you can unlock rigs in The Outlast Trials.
How to Unlock Rigs in The Outlast Trials
Here’s a step-by-step guide to unlocking rigs in The Outlast Trials:
You can purchase rigs from Noakes from the main lobby or cell block. Noakes is an engineer that you’ll interact with once you are on level two.
When you’re at level two, you’ll have access to special green tokens that can be used to buy and upgrade rigs.
You receive these green tokens every time you level up.
You can also use these green tokens to buy “prescriptions” from the pharmacist in the cell block.
There are four television screens next to Noakes that display tutorials about each rig. You can read about how they work when you talk to Noakes.
After buying a rig, you must equip it to your loadout. You won’t be able to use it in a trial without equipping it.
Equipping a rig into your loadout is pretty simple. Just click TAB or go to the terminal in the foyer. Pick the Loadout tab once you’re in the terminal menu and select your rig.
Use your rig wisely
You also need to learn how to use a rig, so let’s take a look at that next.
Source: The Outlast Trials
How to Use Rigs in The Outlast Trials
You must remember that only one rig can be used at any given time, and there are four of them: Stun, Blind, Heal, and X-RAY. To unlock the rig’s ability, tap right-click. Remember that the rig will be on cooldown during the trial, which can be fatal if many enemies surround you.
You’ll find rig rechargers throughout trials, and they aren’t that hard to find. They’ll be toolboxes and other areas where items are usually situated. You can further upgrade rigs for additional green tokens. Finally, there are eight upgrade levels for every rig.
Like its predecessors, the Outlast Trials is a challenging game; keeping your composure in most survival horror games is hard, but it’s a lot easier once you locate rigs and understand their function.