Spiderman Fortnite skins are some of the most popular in the game, and items tying into the Marvel Hero’s powers are some of the most fun in the loot pool! The Fortnite X Spiderman crossover is up there with Fortnite Goku as one of the most popular crossovers that we’ve had.
Fortnite Spiderman skins rank as some of the most popular. It’s not just skins though. We’ve gotten in-game Fortnite X Spiderman content a few times too. There’s a brand-new collaboration on the way too! This is what we’ve gotten with Spiderman content in the past, and what’s coming soon with the Battle Royale.
Credit: ESTNN
Spiderman Fortnite Crossovers
Spiderman was one of the Marvel crossovers that we took a while to get. The full Fortnite Marvel season was one of the biggest. Although Spiderman was nowhere to be found. We actually had to wait until Chapter 3 to finally see the webslinger in action!
The Fortnite X Spiderman crossover started then, when Season 1 had a lot of Spiderman content. Later seasons in Chapter 3 equally had a fair bit of new content, with items and skins returning. Not in Chapter 4 We’re about to get another batch.
Spiderman Fortnite Skins
We’ve gotten Spiderman skins that cover loads of different version of the character along with his allies and villains. These are the Fortnite Spiderman Skins we’ve had.
No Way Home Spiderman
Spider Gwen
Green Goblin
Spiderman Zero
Mary Jane Watson
No Way Home Mary Jane Watson
Spiderman (1066)
Spiderman 2099
These skins have appeared across Fortnite all seasons. We’ve gotten a general comic book Spidey and MJ, one from the film No Way home, more from recent Spiderman films, and even original skins like Spiderman Zero.
On top of that, we’ve gotten a lot of different versions of the Spiderman skin. There are selectable styles that cover a negative Spiderman, Symbiote Suit, Future Foundation Suit, Scarlet Blackout, and Gilded Reality.
Spiderman In-game Content
The Fortnite Spiderman skins are fun, but Spiderman has gotten his fair share of in-game content in the game too. We’ve had in-game items that crossover with Spiderman. These are some of the features we’ve seen in-game for Fortnite.
Spider Man’s Web Slingers
Spider-Man signature power of swinging of webs has been added into the game as a Mythic item for Fortnite X Spiderman. This first debuted in Chapter 3. However, it’s made a return across a few different seasons.
The Spider-Man Web Slingers work really simply. You press the button to fire a web which you can swing from. It’s one of the best mobility tools we’ve ever had and a big favorite in the game.
These webs have been adjusted over the seasons. They’ve been made more limited, so you can’t bounce around forever anymore. However, they’ve basically kept their core appeal and strengths.
Daily Bugle
One major feature of the Spiderman Fortnite crossover was a POI, the Daily Bugle. While it was just one POI, it was huge with loads of loot and internal space. It was a key feature on the Chapter 3 map for a while.
A lot of players assumed that the Daily Bugle wouldn’t be sticking around, but it actually stayed on the map longer than the web slingers did.
NPCs and Quests
The upcoming Miles Morales Spiderman Fortnite crossover is one of the biggest for the franchise. We’re getting more in-game items like web-slingers, but also characters as NPCs and special quests to unlock cosmetics. Some of the new skins might be the best Fortnite outfits. It’s going to be a fun crossover once it hits later in Chapter 4 Season 2.