Alongside the new Inkshadow skins, Riot is also working on a new pair of skins: Snow Moon, which will be part of the Blood Moon universe.
Image Credits | Riot Games
LoL Snow Moon Skins – which champions will get it?
Now that some of the Inkshadow skins have hit the live servers, we will have new skins in the upcoming update. That said, only three champions are going to get the Snow Moon skin, five less than the Inkshadow ones. The champions getting the skin are:
Snow Moon Ahri
Snow Moon Morgana
Snow Moon Varus
Snow Moon Caitlyn
Snow Moon Illaoi
Snow Moon Kayn
Based on their skin spotlights, the best one is probably Ahri. Just like most of her skins, she gets great aesthetics and animations, especially now that she received her ASU (Art and Visual update). But frankly speaking, all the new Snow Moon skins are exquisite.
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How Much Will the Snow Moon Skins Cost?
Considering all the skins are going to be counted as Epic, each will cost exactly 1350 RP. Given that most of the attention will go to the Inkshadow skins and their new MSI pass, it’s likely that Riot doesn’t want to go for more expensive skins.
When will the skins be Released?
The new LoL Snow Moon skins will be coming with the release of the new LoL Patch 13.10. It will feature many big changes in terms of gameplay, with major item reworks and reclassifications. When it comes to skins, though, these are likely the only ones featured.
With MSI already underway, lots of attention will be on the event and the Inkshadow skins. So it’s quite certain that the Snow Moon skins will fall under the radar. That said, if you main one of the three champions getting the new cosmetic, it will still be worth the pickup.
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