Fatalities are one of the biggest selling points of the Mortal Kombat franchise. These flashy moves are what separates MK out from the other top fighting games, big finishers with a lot of violence! They aren’t the clearest moves to pull off though. How to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11 is a bit more complicated than just button mashing.
Source: Warner Bros Games
MK 11’s fatalities are actually optional moves. You don’t need to use them to play the game, but they are one of the most fun moves to pull off! There’s various mechanics for doing fatalities, and conditions you might need to meet. You’ll need to learn the inputs. This guide will run you through that and how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11.
What are Fatalities?
Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11 are a finishing move that you can pull off to end a fight in style. As well as getting the win, you’ll knock your opponent out in a dramatic way!
Each of the characters have two different fatalities. Which one you can use will depend on where you are on the screen. There are different inputs for both too. The exact buttons will vary from platform to platform. However, it’s the same moves in-game so it still works with Mortal Kombat cross play.
Source: Warner Bros Games
Each character in the Mortal Kombat cast has a first fatality unlocked from the beginning. You can see this command in your input menu. Each then has another fatality which is hidden. You can see it in the Krypt, but to perform it in-game, you’ll need to master the inputs yourself.
How to do Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11
How to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11 comes down to two different methods. There’s doing the input manually, which is the more traditional way of pulling one off. Then there’s the easier method! That’s with Easy Fatality Koins.
These coins are a resource in-game which you can spend to pull of the fatality without any fuss. However, these are a scares resource so it’s more reliable to master the inputs so you can bust out the fatalities at any time you want!
Source: Warner Bros Games
How to do Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11 – All Inputs
These are the inputs you need for all Mortal Kombat characters. This covers how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11 for each of their finishers.
BarakaFood for ThoughtCloseBack, Down, Back + Back punch
BarakaRock, Paper, BarakaCloseBack, Forward, Back, Front + Kick
Cassie CageI Heart UMidDown, Down, Forward + Back Kick
Cassie CageGirl PowerFarBack, Down, Down, Back + Back Punch
CetrionMaintaining BalanceMidBack, Down, Forward, Down + Back Kick
CetrionGood and EvilMidBack, Down, Back + Front Kick
D’VorahNew SpeciesCloseBack, Forward, Back + Front kick
D’VorahCan’t DieMidBack, Down, Down + Back Kick
Erron BlackMeltedMidDown, Down, Down + Front Punch
Erron BlackDeath TrapMidDown, Forward, Dwon + Back Punch
FrostIce SculptureCloseForward, Back, Down + Front Punch
FrostCyber initiativeMidBack, Forward, Down, Forward + Back Kick
FujinWind BladeFarBack, Down, Down, Back, Front Punch
FujinTwisted TwisterCloseForward, Back, Down, Back Punch
GerasPhasing ThroughAnywhereBack, Down, Down + Front Kick
GerasPeeling BackCloseDown, Forward, Back + Front Punch
Jacqui BriggsSpider MinesMidForward, Back, Forward + Front Kick
Jacqui BriggsNothing but NeckMidBack, Forward, Back + Back Kick
JadeBow before MeAnywhereDown, Down, Forward, Down + Back Kick
JadePole DanceCloseBack, Forward, Down, Forward + Front Punch
Jax BriggsComing in HotCloseForward, Down, Forward + Front Kick
Jax BriggsStill Got ItCloseBack, Forward, Back, Down + Front Punch
Johnny CageMr Cage’s NeighborhoodCloseForward, Back, Down, Down + Back Kick
Johnny CageWho Hired This GuyCloseForward, Down, Forward + Front Punch
KabalRoad RashMidBack, Forward, Down, Forward + Front Kick
KabalHookedCloseDown, Down, Down + Back Kick
KanoLast DanceMidForward, Down, Down + Front Punch
KanoFace Like a Dropped PieCloseBack, Down, Forward + Back Punch
KitanaGore-NadoMidDown, Down, Down, Down + Back Punch
KitanaRoyale ExecutionMidDown, Back, Forward + Front Punch
KollectorFor the KollectionCloseDown, Down, Down, Down + Back Kick
KollectorHead LanternCloseDown, Forward, Back + Front Punch
Kotal KahnTotem SacrificeCloseBack, Down, Back + Front Kick
Kotal KahnKat FoodCloseBack, Forward, Back, Forward + Front Punch
Kung LaoHeaded NowhereCloseDown, Forward, Back Down + Back Punch
Kung LaoMeat SlicerCloseDown, Forward, Down + Front Kick
Liu KangBurn OutCloseDown, Back, Down, Forward + Front Punch
Liu KangBelly of the beastMidBack, Down, Back, Forward + Back Punch
NightwolfKomo-toseCloseDown, Down, Down, Back Kick
NightwolfWar RitualCloseForward, Back, Down, Back Punch
Noob SaibotSplit DecisionMidBack, Forward, Back, Forward + Back Kick
Noob SaibotDouble TroubleCloseDown, Down, Down + Front Punch
RaidenAlternating CurrentMidBack, Down, Back + Front Punch
RaidenDirect CurrentCloseDown, Forward, Back + Front Kick
RobocopDead of AliveCloseBack, Forward, Down, Down, Back Punch
RobocopThanks for your ConsiderationMidForward, Down, Forward, Front Punch
ScorpionYou’re NextFarBack, Down, Down + Front Punch
ScorpionChain ReactionFarDown, Forward, Back + Back Punch
Shang TsungKondemmed to the DamnedMidBack, Forward, Down, Down, Front Punch
Shang TsungShockan RebornMidBack, Forward, Back, Back Kick
Shao KahnBack Blown OutCloseBack, Forward, Down, Down + Back Punch
Shao KahnKahn-SequencesCloseBack, Forward, Back + Front Punch
SheevaStomp the YardCloseDown, Down, Down, Front Punch
SheevaSpinal TapCloseForward, Down, Down, Forward, Front Kick
SindelScream QueenCloseDown, Down, Forward, Back Kick
SindelHair Today, Gone TomorrowMidBack, Forward, Back, Front Punch
SkarletBloody MessMidForward, Back, Down + Front Kick
SkarletHeart ConditionMidDown, Down, Forward + Back Kick
SpawnRest in PiecesMidForward, Back, Down, Down Front Kick
SpawnUnchainedMidForward, Back, Forward, Back Kick
Sonya BladeTo the ChoppaMidDown, Forward, Back, Back Punch
Sonya BladeSupply DropCloseBack, Forward, Down + Front kick
Sub-ZeroIce-CutionerMidBack, Forward, Back + Back Punch
Sub-ZeroFrozen in TimeMidForward, Down, Forward + Back Kick
TerminatorI’m BackCloseBack, Forward, Back, Front Punch
TerminatorTarget terminationMidDown, Forward, Down, Back Kick
The JokerParty PooperMidDown, Forward, Back, Back Punch
The JokerPop Goes the mortalMidBack, Down, Back, Front Punch
That’s how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11 for each character! While that’s an awful lot of inputs, it shouldn’t take too long to master the few moves you’ll need for your main to pull off fatalities in every match!