Dota 2 Patch 7.33c is now live, and we expect more frequent patches since the Dota Update 7.33. For many players, Medusa was the highlight of the latest patch and played a major role in the Berlin Major 2023 games.
In fact, she might have been too effective and earned a nerf in patch 7.33c. Medusa aside, here are the top hero updates worth highlighting.
1. Medusa
Mystic Snake
Cooldown increased from 10s to 13/12/11/10s
Mana Shield
Level 2 now can be learned on level 1 instead of level 3
Damage per Mana decreased from 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 to 2/2.4/2.8/3.2/3.6
Bonus Mana decreased from 200/225/250/275/300 to 0/50/100/150/200
Medusa’s main gig revolves around the durability of her Mana Shield. Hence, having it nerfed proportionally means she isn’t as durable in the laning phase. Nevertheless, it’s a balanced nerf for Medusa because her Mana Shield damage absorption is still a relatively powerful mechanism.
Read also: Medusa Dota 2 Guide
2. Alchemist
Base Movement Speed decreased from 300 to 295
Unstable Concoction
Cooldown increased from 13s to 15s
Greevil’s Greed
Base Bonus Gold decreased from +3 to +2
Extra Bonus Gold decreased from +3 to +2
Chemical Rage
Bonus Movement Speed decreased from 40/50/60 to 20/40/60
Level 15 Talent Damage per Greevil’s Greed stack decreased from +3 to +2
Alchemist received arguably the biggest nerf in patch 7.33c for good reasons. Nobody truly wants to play against a 20-minute Alchemist with Radiance, Blink Dagger and BKB, who can use his Unstable Concoction initiation. Unless you picked a counter, such as Lifestealer, it’s a quick game that ends in favor of a rich Alchemist.
Across the board, his bonus gold has decreased by 50% and weaker Chemical Rage passive.
Read also: Alchemist Dota 2 Guide
3. Chaos Knight
Base Strength increased from 22 to 24
Chaos Bolt
Minimum Damage increased from 60/90/120/150 to 90/120/150/180
Chaos Strike
Lifesteal from creeps increased from 50% to 60%
Level 10 Talent Chaos Strike Lifesteal increased from +25% to +30%
Level 15 Talent Phantasm Illusion Incoming Damage Reduction increased from 75% to 100%
Not every hero are losers of the patch 7.33c, some could even be more than winners. Chaos Knight received various buffs on his base strength, increased Chaos Bolt damage, higher lifesteal and talent improvements.
At 90 damage on his Level 1 Chaos Bolt, it’s sure to guarantee a first blood coupled with another ally and the harassments in the lanes will be a bliss too. Expect CK to be on top of the meta in the upcoming Dota Pro Circuit 2023 Tour 3 games.
Read also: Chaos Knight Dota 2 Guide
@ Valve
4. Death Prophet
Crypt Swarm
Damage increased from 85/160/235/310 to 85/165/245/325
Radius increased from 425 to 450
Duration increased from 35s to 40s
Death Prophet receives a much-needed buff with higher damage from Crypt Swarm and a longer Exorcism duration. This means she only has a 72-second downtime with her common item, Octarine Core, making it more frequently for your team to play around your ultimate.
In fact, we could see earlier tier-2 tower attacks with the longer Exorcism available.
Read also: Death Prophet Dota 2 Guide
5. Spirit Breaker
Strength gain increased from 3.0 to 3.3
Charge of Darkness
Mana Cost decreased from 120 to 100
Can no longer target debuff immune enemies without Aghanim’s Scepter
Status Resistance increased from 35/45/55/65% to 40/50/60/70%
Greater Bash
Cooldown decreased from 1.5s to 1.2s
Movement Speed as Damage increased from 15/20/25/30% to 20/25/30/35%
Nether Strike
Cooldown decreased from 90/70/50s to 70/50/30s
Everyone’s favorite space cow received buffs across every skill and stat. Of which, the 20-second lesser cooldown on Nether Strike is a big deal for guaranteeing kills in more frequent smoke ganks.
6. Earthshaker
Fissure Range increased from 1400 to 1600
Enchant Totem
Cast Point improved from 0.6s to 0.5s
Stun Duration increased from 0.9/1.0/1.1/1.2s to 1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3s
Echo Slam
Echo Damage increased from 70/90/110 to 85/105/125
Radius increased from 600 to 700
Cooldown decreased from 150/130/110s to 130/120/110s
Earthshaker’s longer Fissure is a drastic improvement in length, but size isn’t the only thing that Icefrog improved on Earthshaker. Having improvements in damage, AOE radius and cooldown on his Echo Slam means he deals more damage at a wider area and shorter cooldown.
Read also: Earthshaker Dota 2 Guide
@ Valve
7. Invoker
Base Strength increased from 18 to 19
Cold Snap
Duration decreased from 3/3.5/4/4.5/5/5.5/6/6.5s to 3/3.4/3.8/4.2/4.6/5.0/5.4/5.8s
Freeze Duration increased from 0.3s to 0.4s
Travel Distance increased from 800/1200/1600/2000/2400/2800/3200/3600 to 1500/1800/2100/2400/2700/3000/3300/3600
Aghanim’s Shard Pull Speed increased from 100 to 175
Chaos Meteor
Contact Damage increased from 52/71/90/109/128/147/166/185 to 55/80/105/130/155/180/205/220
Burn Damage per second increased from 10/14/18/22/26/30/34/38 to 10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45
Invoker players, rejoice! Invoker is now viable as a long-distance attacker. The early game buff to Tornado is great for Exort Invoker fans as it has twice the Tornado distance with only 1 point in Wex. This opens up ganking potential with the Tornado-Meteor combo that could effectively kill most early game midlaners.
Read also: Invoker Dota 2 Guide
8. Ancient Apparition
Intelligence gain decreased from 3.4 to 3.1
AA was an average pick at Berlin Major, but still outmatched Alchemist, who was the highest rated hero and still went negative on the win-loss ratio. Hence, AA players had this nerf coming, but still considers him viable, where less carry players are buying BKB and purge items in this current meta.
Compare AA to Crystal Maiden’s nerfs in Patch 7.33, we reckon he got away with minor nerfs.
Read also: Ancient Apparition Dota 2 Guide
@ Valve
Other Hero Updates
There are other hero buffs and nerfs, mostly insignificant, but we will list them here regardless.
Buffed Heroes:
Dark Willow, Razor, Dazzle, Hoodwink, Lifestealer, Nature’s Prophet, Bane, Lion, Dawnbreaker, Huskar, Lina, Primal Beast, Mars, Enigma, Gyrocopter, Shadow Fiend, Wraith King.
Nerfed Heroes:
Crystal Maiden, Void Spirit, Terrorblade, Venomancer, Bounty Hunter, Clockwerk, Mirana, Dark Seer, Io, Visage, Zeus, Brewmaster, Doom, KOTL, Vengeful Spirit, Legion Commander, Abaddon, Pangolier, Phoenix, Techies, Batrider, Beastmaster, Broodmother, Chen, Nyx Assassin, Riki, Slark, Timbersaw, Underlord, Lone Druid, Lycan, Magnus, Marci, Naga Siren, Oracle, Phantom Lancer, Sand King, Silencer, Skywrath Mage, Snapfire, Windranger, Winter Wyvern.
In hindsight, most heroes received slight nerfs, with very few winners. Nothing too unbearable in terms of play, but as expected the Dota 2 update completely reworked the fundamentals of match flow.
On a side note, not that it concerns most readers, but they raised the minimum MMR for Immortal Draft from 5620 to 6500. And some MMR gain/loss calibration which shouldn’t be of much concern in average ranked games, whereby there’s sufficient players for a closer skill gap.