If you don’t know which supports you should be playing with Draven, here is a list of the best champions to play alongside him this season.
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The best supports to play with Draven in LoL
Draven is probably one of, if not, the hardest ADC to master in League of Legends. Not only does the champion have a difficult mechanic to play around with, but he also requires great fundamentals and game knowledge to maximize his carry and bully potential within the laning phase.
This also explains why we rarely see Draven in professional play, unless a specific player is known to be highly proficient at it (looking at you, G2 Hans Sama). That said, players also recognize the power Draven has as a great counter-pick into hyper carries, so he still has a good presence in the pick or ban phase.
Draven in solo queue has a lot more freedom in getting ahead and single-handedly destroying enemies given the lack of coordination. A great main can just take over by picking up a few kills and snowballing out of control. Nonetheless, Draven needs great champions that are able to synergize with playstyle and kit. For this reason, we have compiled a list of the best supports that will work with Draven, explaining the main strengths of each unique duo.
Thresh – the no. 1 support for Draven
If you want to carry games as a great bot lane duo, Draven and Thresh is the best combo you can put together in the current meta.
Thresh has one of the most versatile kits in the game: he can provide both engage and disengage with his crowd controls as well as the possibility to reposition Draven with the lantern.
The two shine particularly during the laning phase. Thanks to Thresh’s pick and lock down potential, Draven can quickly follow up by auto-attacking the target to death with his axes. Given the damage Draven brings to the table, it’s almost impossible for any other bot lane to prevail in a 2v2 situation.
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That being said, this bot lane duo requires great coordination and trust from one another, as well as incredible proficiency: train the picks well first before jumping into your solo queue games.
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Nautilus – The best Thresh alternative engage support
If you don’t like playing Thresh or you’re not particularly good at the champion, then we recommend playing Nautilus as the best alternative.
Essentially, it offers almost everything Thresh has, especially when it comes to hard-engage. Thanks to better AoE crowd control and a point-and-click ultimate, finding and locking down a target is a lot easier with Nautilus.
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This is technically more positive for Draven since his kit is revolved around getting kills to get the additional gold from his own passive, making his snowball easier to pull off.
Having said that, Draven will lose out on his peeling potential, considering Nautilus has only an all-in mode. If you need peeling for Draven, you will need to have other champions in the team to do that for him.
Pyke – The most aggressive bot lane duo
If you’re all about finding early advantage and like trading aggressively right off the bat, then Pyke is the champion you’re looking for.
Thanks to his assassin-like nature, as well as roaming ability, Pyke does a fantastic job of finding the right picks and quickly bursting the focused targets with his damage. By pairing it up with Draven’s DPS, you will have a fearsome duo, ready to kill at all times.
When playing these two together, you want to bully out the enemy bot lane by pushing waves and forcing them into a mistake, especially if they walk up to farm minions. You will need good reaction times and coordination, but Pyke and Draven will win trades almost at all times.
Read more: Best supports to play with Lucian in League
Blitzcrank – one of the best engage supports for Draven
Blitzcrank is yet another engage support that works with the Glorious Executioner. You probably have understood at this point that hook supports and champions that excel at making picks are the best for Draven.
The main difference between Blitzcrank and other hook champions is his ability to grab the target into Draven and the team. It’s much easier for the team to focus on the hooked enemy target since he/she will be split from the rest of the team.
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The downside of playing Blitzcrank with Draven is that the combo is fully reliant on Blitzcrank’s hooks. If the support is unable to grab the targets and chain up the combos, the ADC is going to be a sitting duck and will have to essentially 1v2 during the laning phase.
Milio – the current best enchanter support
If you’re wondering which is the best enchanter support for Draven, the No. 1 choice at the moment is none other than Milio.
The newest release to League of Legends does a fantastic job at peeling and protecting Draven from incoming crowd controls and damage, providing shields and heals from the very beginning of the game.
While you do lose out on engage and diving potential, Milio shines later in the game, especially if the ADC is able to get a good lead and needs to maintain it: Milio can prevent Draven from dying and losing the Adoration stacks.
You won’t be able to generate such big gold leads earlier on, but Draven will be able to play aggressively during the teamfights, knowing Milio is ready to safeguard him with the Cozy’s Campfire and Ultimate.
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