Creative Mode is one of the best features in Fortnite. There are loads of different game modes you can jump into, and the options have only gotten wider since the introduction of Unreal Editor for Fortnite. Hide and Seek is a pretty popular side of creative mode too. The best hide and seek maps in Fortnite are some of the best experiences you can have in the game.
You might not get to rise up the Fortnite ranking system in these modes, but there’s a different type of skill here. Finding an unnoticeable spot on the map is a challenge in itself. Hide and seek can be a lot of fun. The new Creative options mean you can have even bigger and more expansive maps to hide and seek in. There are loads of variations on the classic game for when you’re sick of Battle Royale. These are the top hide and seek maps in Fortnite.
Credit: Fortnite intel
Best Hide and Seek Maps in Fortnite
The best hide and seek Fortnite codes are some of the most diverse games in FN. There are ones for all sizes of player groups too, so Fortnite Trios vaulted doesn’t matter. These are some of the top maps you can try out.
Giant Gifts Hide and Seek
This one of the best hide and seek maps in Fortnite puts you in a toy room, shrunk down to miniature toy size!
Carnival Hide and Seek
This is hide and seek in a fully realized Fortnite carnival, complete with a house of mirrors
Fishy Mansion
The Fishy Mansion map is the perfect hide and seek mode if you’re playing one of the many types of Fishsticks in the game.
Mountain Mansion Hide and Seek
This 16-player map is a classic. It’s a mountain labyrinth of mansion rooms.
Capsule Corp Hide and Seek
This map is a great addition. It’s a game of hide and seek built around a Dragon Ball area, the Capsule Corp building home to many iconic scenes.
Area 51 First Person Hide and Seek
This is a particularly fun one as it’s in first person. It’s an alien-themed one of the best hide and seek maps in Fortnite.
Beans Party Hide and Seek
This is a different take. You’re hiding in a crowd of NPCs, trying to shield yourself from a sniper.
Survive the Night
This next map is one themed around avoiding a killer. You’re tsking with hiding until the morning comes and staying safe.
How Does Hide and Seek Work?
Hide and Seek Fortnite codes are your key to jumping into these game modes. To load up each map, this is all you’ll need to do.
Head into Fortnite
Select Enter Code in Game Modes
Type in your Map Code
Once done, just queue up and join the game! For hide and seek maps in Fortnite, you’ll need more players queuing up with you. As long as you enable fill, you’ll be able to join up with everyone else currently playing! Most of the best hide and seek maps in Fortnite are usually full of players, so you don’t have to wait long. Some of the best Fortnite streamers often play various hide and seek modes, so you could run into anyone in-game.