If you’re looking to build a Digimon TCG deck and are unsure what playstyle would suit you, it can be daunting to know what playstyles match your other decks in other games. Like Magic: the Gathering, a Digimon TCG deck leans heavily on color archetypes, even when mixing and matching. We’ve compiled a list of all the playable colors you can put in a Digimon TCG deck, meta relevant representation, and playstyles.
Credit: Toei Animation
Red, The high damage Digimon TCG Deck color for protagonist lovers
The color most often supported thanks to protagonists from the show usually having their Digimon represented here. Red Digimon TCG decks revolve around high damage, keyword “Blitz”, and DP based effect deletion. They gained access to the new keyword “Raid” in BT12. This allows them to swing at the highest DP unsuspended Digimon, allowing you to pick a fight with your opponent’s boss monsters, if they’re immune to deletion by effects. Red is a fantastic starter colour for new players.
Meta Staples “Red Hybrid” and “WarGreymon” are often unaffected by security effects so can swing in confidence during checks. For those wanting to try out a red Starter Deck, check out our top 5 list of starter decks, featuring an honorable mention for Gallantmon.
Blue, For those that like speed and card draw
Credit: Toei Animation
The other darling color of Digimon. Blue is the color for the Deuteronomists… and Davis. Blue Digimon TCG decks fall somewhere on a three-way Venn Diagram. Card draw, keyword “Jamming” and the controversial Source strip and Stun package.
For the players that like to cycle through their deck and only worry about hitting options in security, “Jamming” allows for a high tempo game plan, that often converts into safe pressure and early tempo. The infamous Blue Hybrid deck across its various iterations has made use of the high tempo and card draw to find its stun pieces to dominate the meta since its inception. BT7-068 Tommy Himi was one of the cards that received the banhammer, so was limited to 1 in the November 2022 emergency ban list.
Green, The Digimon TCG Deck with the cheapest evolution
Credit: Toei Animation
Everyone loves a good sale, and the most dangerous of Green’s meta threats “Bloomlordmon” has discounts galore. Green’s playstyle revolves around cheaper Digivolution costs, suspending Digimon and the keyword “Piercing”. If the idea of playing Digimon and evolving for cheap, whilst not having to trade damage for board control, green is the color for you. Green was the Digimon TCG Deck color most effected by the June 1st ban list. So check that out before you start deck building if this colour sounds good to you. Quartzmon is among the newest green staples present in our runner up pick for best Digimon TCG Booster Boxes as of BT12.
Yellow, Using the security as a resource
Credit: Toei Animation
When you like control playstyles, this is often your starter color. For the most simple rundown, “Recovery+1” is the strategy of these decks. If you like a long, control based game, and don’t mind going to time, this playstyle is for you. When deciding what else to use, “Security Attack-1” and “DP minus” on your Digimon’s effects and powerful option cards helps sustain a control based playstyle. That’s not to say yellow is always about defence, however. Cards like BT4-104 Blinding Ray show that you can burn your own security for more offence, if you choose to.
Purple, Using the trash for resource
Credit: Toei Animation
If you come from Yu-Gi-Oh! where the Graveyard is often a resource, or Digimon’s villains are more your cup of tea. Then, Purple may suit your taste. The top meta threat, Beelzemon makes heavy use of milling to set up the trash for powerful combo effects. If you aren’t keen on the pseudo-randomness of a milling playstyle, you’re in luck. Most purple decks set up trash with powerful draw and discard effects, usually by deleting a Digimon. Cards like BT7-069 are staples of any non-mill Purple deck.
Black, the Digimon TCG deck with Blockers galore
Credit: NZ Gundam Store
Sometimes offence isn’t everything. The keyword “Blocker” is synonymous with Black. Slow the game down and knock your opponents down a peg with powerful “De-Digivolve” effects, shrinking your opponents boss monsters back to their base forms. Meta Staples Machinedramon and WarGreymon (who is good in both black and red decks) are ones to watch when looking to build this colour.
White… Kinda
Credit: Toei Animation
Often used as specific, influential support cards, White cards are our final color. Decks “Eosmon” and rogue meta deck “Mother D Reaper” are comprised mostly of white cards. However, outside of Royal Knight “Jesmon” and his Sistermons, most white cards for support… or Omnimon. We love Omnimon.