Despite Dead Island 2’s glamorous outer shell—its sparkling, sprawling vision of L.A., filled with scattered cash and ruined mansions—what makes it compelling is making its many zombies literally spill their guts. As you may have once heard, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Read more...
Despite Dead Island 2’s glamorous outer shell—its sparkling, sprawling vision of L.A., filled with scattered cash and ruined mansions—what makes it compelling is making its many zombies literally spill their guts. As you may have once heard, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Read more...
Despite Dead Island 2’s glamorous outer shell—its sparkling, sprawling vision of L.A., filled with scattered cash and ruined mansions—what makes it compelling is making its many zombies literally spill their guts. As you may have once heard, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.