Want to know when is the LoL Split 1 End date? Here is the official schedule for this season’s League ranked system.
Image Credits | Riot Games
LoL Split 1 End confirmed date
At the end of last year, Riot Games revealed that it would make some important changes to its LoL ranked system, splitting the year into two splits. This forces all players to make two different climbs during the year, with the mid-season being the moment the reset started.
Recently, the devs revealed the exact end date for the first split, and consequently announced the start of the second one. Both will happen on Monday, July 17. At that point, players will receive rewards based on their ranks and everyone will have to grind solo queue once again.
It will be a softer ranked reset compared to the start of the season, but it will take a bit more time for all players to climb and get to their desired rank.
The reasons behind Riot’s decision of creating two individual splits
Riot Games implemented the changes with the hopes of creating more incentives to be more active in solo queue. Many players simply play the ranked mode just to hit gold Elo and receive the rewards, like the yearly Victorious skin. That being said, with the lack of demotion due to inactivity below Diamond 1, this meant that many accounts would end up inactive for the majority of the season.
Now that there is a mid-season reset, players will be getting more prizes and goodies if they push on both splits. Not only do players get more Hextech chests and keys, but they will also be getting two Victorious skins, instead of the usual one.
Considering that players will have to grind twice as much, Riot also kept the promotion series to three, instead of the previous five games. This, with the increased LP gains which were implemented earlier this season, should speed up the climbing process, so it won’t be as stressful to rise the ranks.
With less than 100 days left, League players will have to jump on Summoner’s Rift as soon as possible if they are planning on reaching the rank they’ve aimed for, especially in order to get the free Victorious skins.
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