Street Fighter V grew to be a pretty full game by the time it was finished in development, but there are still some things lacking. From costumes that are more fun to modding completely into the game, the best Street Fighter V mods can make a fun game even better.
These mods can help make that a bit more interesting. With the best SFV mods, you can spice up the title, even if you’ve clocked up hundreds of hours in it already. These are some of the best out there.
Best Street Fighter V Mods
While you’re waiting for the Street Fighter 6 release date, it’s a great time to revisit the last title.
Vanilla Menu
Source Baniway
This is a more technical mod for older Street Fighter fans! This one brings back the plainer classic style that players might have been missing. It’s pretty well done too, with dynamic backgrounds that change throughout the day. It doesn’t do as crazy stuff as some of the other Street Fighter 5 mods but it can have a big effect on your whole experience.
Lara Craft Street Fighter Mods
Source: SaturnFrost
Loads of the top SFV mods are based on adding new characters over the existing Street Fighter characters. This one changes Cammy into Lara Croft! If you’re a fan of the Tomb Raider games this is a great way to mod in another crossover character.
King K. Rool
Source: Ouji-chama
This is another that adds a character, but a bit more out there than the ones we’ve seen already! This one of the Street Fighter mods adds King K Rool into the game! The enemy of Donkey Kong is a low pick on the Smash Bros Ultimate tier list, but maybe he’ll fare better in the more brawler setup for Street Fighter!
Source:Dyrti Wurk
Waluigi will never be in Smash, but he can be in Street Fighter. This one of the best Street Fighter V mods adds Waluigi as a new character over the top of Cody. It’s more of a novelty mod, but it’s definitely fun.
Boss Rush Mode
Source: Modder Base
This one of the top Street Fighter V mods adds in a new challenge for the game’s single-player content, a boss rush. You’ll have the Arcade mode path replaced by a full rush of the hardest fights in the game.
Dolls Mode
Source: Modder Base
This restores some of the content that isn’t available in the base game, but it is in other modes. It takes the non-playable Street Fighter characters featured in the story mode and replaces the base characters and Season 1 DLC with them. It won’t be one of the Street Fighter 5 mods you always leave turned on, but it’s fun trying out the other characters.
Street Fighter V Mysterious Mod
Source: Street Fighter Mysterious Mod
This one is probably seen as the most accepted mod by the wider Street Fighter community, it changes up balancing, moves, and combos to re-do the game’s balance. A lot of fans prefer the version of the game created by this mod. It’s a matter of personal preference, but worth trying out.
Read next: A brand new Street Fighter Movie is in the making