Now that Patch 13.8 is on the live servers, it’s time for us to take a look at the potential changes coming in LoL Patch 13.9, which will be released on May 3rd.
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LoL Patch 13.9 Notes
The spring splits have ended across the world, and the 13 teams for MSI have been locked in. With the tournament being played in Patch 13.8, the upcoming patch will likely be more focused on solo queue and looking to nerf some of the best-performing champions.
The jungle meta saw quite a lot of changes, and we might see new picks on the rise. Some of the ADCs might be also on the list, considering that champions like Jinx and Xayah are dominating the ranked ladder in terms of pick rate. The top lane meta has been quite diverse and fun this season, so the devs might consider pumping up some of the least popular picks, such as Aatrox, Tryndamere, or Urgot.
That said, what we know so far is that the new Inkshadow skins will be released in Patch 13.9, as they are currently being tested on the PBE. To celebrate the Mid-Season Invitational, players will likely get access to a special MSI pass, which allow those who buy it to collect tokens and unlock Prestige Inkshadow Yasuo.
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How will the upcoming patch impact the meta?
Considering that we don’t have any numbers on our hands, it’s basically impossible to make any prediction on the meta, especially with Patch 13.8 just coming out. Once we get to see what kind of changes Riot is planning, we will have a clearer idea of what the meta might look like going forward.
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Patch 13.9 Tentative Changes
The planned changes will be added as soon as they are available or announced. Make sure to check back in a few days!