ImperialHal is one of the names probably most associated with Apex Legends. He’s one of the top streamers and a figure in Apex Legends esports, but the player will be saying goodbye to the game for a little while. We’ve just heard of ImperialHal leaving Apex Legends, at least for the foreseeable future.
Source: TSM
ImperialHal Leaving Apex Legends
ImperialHal leaving Apex got announced over the last few days. The player took to Twitter to make the announcement that he’ll be stepping away from the game to his own personal issues, and the current state of the game.
On April 26, ImperialHal said that he will be playing very little Apex in the future. He cited being at an all-time low mentally. Also, that having to deal with the continuing issues with Apex Legends was not helping. ImperialHal leaving Apex Legends isn’t just down to his own personal issues, but also the state of the game.
I will be playing very little Apex going forward , I think I’m at an all time low with my mental with having to deal with the state of Apex + performance is not helping either . Hope you guys understand.
— TSM ImperialHal (@ImperialHal) April 25, 2023
He’s not the only player to call out problems with the game lately.
Apex Legends Current State
Apex Legends is in a bit of a mess right now. Most recently, a few streamers have made their opinions known. ImperialHal has always been quick to point out problems. Albralelie and Snip3down have recently said that the game is its worst state ever. Specifically calling out that the title is being neglected by developers. There’s plenty of bugs, problems with cheating, and even esports aren’t running smoothly with ALGS server lag derailing one region over the weekend.
ImperialHal leaving Apex might not be for ever. The payer specifically said that he’ll be stepping away for a while. It’s possible that once some exciting updates hit the game, the player will jump back in and see what he missed! He might be trying out other games in the interim too.
The player has claimed that Season 17 is going to make or break for the game. While the new Season 17 Legend looks fun, it’s more these core quality issues which are going to need fixing for Apex to get back to a healthy state.