If you don’t know which are the best supports to play alongside Twitch, here are five champions that will work with him this season.
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The best supports to play with Twitch in LoL
If you play League, you probably love or hate Twitch. He’s the kind of champion who can make your game a nightmare or make you go into 1v9, fully carry mode. Thanks to his “sneaky” kit and impressive late-game damage, Twitch is able to blow up entire teams with good positioning.
Now that he’s one of the strongest ADC in the current meta, you always want to have the best supports possible with him, so you can take full advantage of his power and carry potential.
If you’re not sure which champions you should be playing with Twitch, we have compiled a list of the best supports that will work with him. We will be looking at the key strengths and weaknesses of these bot lane duos, so you know exactly what to expect going into Summoners’ Rift.
Lulu – the no. 1 support for Twitch
Lulu is the best champion to play with Twitch. If you have the chance, make sure to play these two champions together.
There are a couple of reasons why you should have the Twitch-Lulu bot lane. The first is that Lulu has so many tools to protect her carry, making it almost impossible for Twitch to die. She can constantly shield him with her E, and use Wild Growth (R) in case he needs to survive more burst damage. If that wasn’t enough, Lulu also has a polymorph (W) to prevent enemies from using lethal abilities and give allies enough time to shut the target down.
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On top of that, Lulu boosts Twitch’s damage with her own passive, allowing him to deal even more damage with his combos.
Considering Twitch is weak early and needs time to scale, having Lulu by his side will lower Twitch’s chances of getting punished by ganks or in 2v2 skirmishes.
If you want to climb soloQ, Lulu will always be the primary choice to play with Twitch. You will be weak in the first minutes of the game than most bot lanes, but as long as you’re able to not lose hard the early-game, you will be a big threat later.
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Milio – The Lulu alternative
Lulu-Twitch is a known bot lane combo, so there might be times when enemies will be banning or picking the champion to take it away from you. When this situation occurs, you should be looking for an alternative enchanter, and the best one out there is Milio.
The newest LoL champion does a great job at empowering Twitch during the teamfights. With Cozy Campfire’s (W) added attack range, Twitch is able to shred through targets from miles away untouched, especially considering Twitch’s own ultimate gives him extra attack range. And if any enemy is threatening Twitch, Milio can protect him with just one cast of his own ultimate.
Paired with the shields and extra damage from the passive, Milio is as close as you can get to Lulu when it comes to synergizing kits.
Read also: Best ADCs to play with Milio in LoL
Yuumi – One of the best enchanter supports for Twitch
If you’re looking for another enchanter to play with Twitch, then check out Yuumi. While she is quite weak currently, especially after the repeated nerfs she received, Yuumi still works well when played with the Plague Rat.
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When it comes to peeling, Yuumi is probably only second to Lulu, considering the amount of shielding and healing she offers. Now that Riot changed her kit, they buffed her enchanter nature even more.
That said, Twitch-Yuumi has the weakest early game out of all the bot lane duos in this list, so focus on farming and scaling as much as possible. There are high chances that the enemies will look to take advantage of your vulnerability so play safe.
Thresh – one of the best engage supports with Twitch
If you’re a player who doesn’t enjoy playing enchanter supports, but you still find yourself having to play with Twitch, then Thresh is likely going to be your best choice.
Even though he doesn’t provide much peeling compared to other supports of this list, Thresh has lots of crowd control to shut the enemies down and allow Twitch to apply a high amount of damage on those targets, especially during the early game. Compared to other duos, Thresh can allow you to win some skirmishes.
This bot lane, however, requires great coordination and a strong understanding of 2v2 trades to initiate snowballs. If you lose early on, it will be much harder to make a comeback later.
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Janna – maximizing peeling potential
To last support for this list is Janna, another enchanter support. You probably have understood that the best supports for Twitch need to have good peeling ability and allow him to survive incoming enemy damage. Janna is no exception.
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Janna is better than other supports on this list in two departments: early-game harassment and disrupting potential. The Storm’s Fury can poke consistently with her E, and stop all incoming engage attempts with her tornado (Q).
As soon as she unlocks her ultimate, it becomes even harder for the enemy team to kill Twitch since she knocks people back and also heals her allies during the cast. If enemies have lots of hard engage, she might be the perfect counter while also guaranteeing a good level of synergy with Twitch.
Learning to play this bot lane duo, however, is trickier than other bot lanes. You won’t be able to play aggressively and it will be more of a waiting game where the enemies will have to pull the trigger first, and then you’ll fight them back.
Make sure to analyze their team comps and identify which are the threats that will attempt to kill Twitch, and do your best to make sure your ADC does not die or gets caught. If you’re able to do that, you will win most of your games.
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