Best LoL junglers to carry in low Elo (Updated to Patch 13.7)
Best LoL junglers to carry in low Elo (Updated to Patch 13.7)

Carrying in LoL is one of the most satisfying yet difficult things to do, so here are the five best junglers you should be playing this patch to dominate the LoL solo queue in low Elo.

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5 Best junglers carry games in low Elo

Nocturne – global map presence

If you’re looking for a fun and strong jungler to play in solo queue, we definitely recommend playing Nocturne and there are two main reasons for it.

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The first is that Nocturne is one of the best junglers when it comes to punishing mispositioning in low Elo since he can quickly join fights thanks to his ultimate Paranoia. People at these levels of play are prone to overextending or not respecting these abilities enough, making it extremely easy for you to pick up free kills and snowball.

The second reason is that Nocturne has great skirmishing power thanks to his kit and runes. Lethal Tempo, paired with his built-in sustain, allows him to win most of his trades. And if that wasn’t enough, he has a powerful spell shield to negate one of the enemies’ spells.

That said, playing Nocturne requires great game sense and knowing exactly when action is about to start on the map. You need to be in the right places at the right time to carry with him.

Read also: LoL Tier List (Updated to Patch 13.7)

Master Yi – The ultimate 1v5 champion

There is a reason why Master Yi is hated or disliked by LoL players. The champion offers an incredible amount of damage and is one of the best junglers when it comes to dueling and carry potential.

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His Alpha Strike (Q) is a powerful spell that deals damage while also giving him the chance to dodge abilities or damage since he becomes invulnerable mid-cast. Now that he got a better early jungle clear, as well as increased sustain from his Meditate (W), he needs fewer resources to get the snowball going. He’s got incredible DPS while also offering mobility that other champions do not have.

Unless the enemies have multiple crowd controls to lock you down, Master Yi is the 1v5 champion and one of the best junglers to carry your solo queue games in low Elo.

Jarvan IV – the spam-ganker

Jarvan IV has been popping up lately as the S-tier jungler basically across all Elos. He was the only champion among the early-game skirmishing junglers that didn’t get nerfed the last patch (he will be in Patch 13.8) and he remained the sole priority pick pros play.

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Having said that, Jarvan IV is also stronger at lower Elos, but for a different reason. The champion has incredible ganking potential with his E-Q combo and it’s super easy for him to spam gank lanes and punish the enemies by either killing them or making them lose farm and experience. Once he unlocks the ultimate, the ganks get even better since he can lock them down with Cataclysm (R).

Even though he falls off in the late stages of the game, Jarvan IV is the perfect candidate if you need to have a strong early-game presence and you want to get yourself or your allies fed.

Read also: Play Jarvan IV like Malrang – Jarvan IV jungle guide

Kayn  – Turning into the enemies’ worst nightmare

Have you played against a strong Kayn main? I did a couple of times in my own solo queue, playing against Alessandro “fragola” Zappalà, a EUW Challenger player and one of the best Kayn players in the world.

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You probably can already see this coming, but I got completely run over. He tormented me all game, stealing all my jungle camps and picking up kills left and right. This is because his champion allows him to do that, as he crosses walls and dashes all over the map.

While it’s hard to replicate what he does consistently, you can also turn into the enemies’ worst nightmare by playing Kayn. The champion can become an assassin or a bruiser depending on the enemy team comp, allowing you to always get an edge once you transform.

On top of that, he has a disgusting amount of damage that will blow your mind, regardless of which form you chose. If you want to dominate the enemy jungler and show who the better player is, Kayn is the type of champion you should be playing.

Vi – Ready to blow the enemy carries?

Despite receiving nerfs in the latest patch, Vi is still a super powerful pick for lower Elos since her ganking power didn’t get affected. While she did lose some damage overall, it doesn’t really matter when aiming to kill a squishy target, and Vi is still able to do that basically at all times.

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To win most of the teamfights and solo queue games, your main goal is making sure the strongest enemy carries are dead. Vi, compared to other junglers, is a lot more reliable from that perspective. Her point-and-click ultimate is a perfect tool to lock down the enemy carries and shut them down.

On top of that, she comes with greater tankiness compared to most bruisers, allowing her to tank damage for longer. If you enjoy being in the middle of the mix at all times, then Vi is definitely the perfect champion for you.

Read next: The 10 best beginner champions in LoL

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