Struggling to find the strongest bot lane duos in the meta? Here is our list of the best-performing and popular pairings for Patch 13.7.
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Best Bot Lane Duos to play in Patch 13.7
When you play solo queue in League of Legends, there might be times when you will be playing with a friend or partner. Duo queue has been a rising tool that players use to increase their chances of victory and climb the ladder faster.
This is particularly common for bottom laners, as the two can take advantage of the champions’ synergy, as well as communication, to stomp the enemies and snowball the game more often.
If you’re not sure which pairings are stronger currently, we have created a list of the best bot lane duos for the current Patch 13.7. We will be going over the key strengths of each duo, hoping that it will help you win more games.
This is the current no. 1 bot lane duo. Xayah and Rakan are known to be the best partner for each other but in a meta where both champions are strong, seeing them dominate the bot lane is not a surprise.
They have a great 2v2 and complementary kits to make up for each other’s weaknesses. Rakan can charge in to engage so that Xayah follows up with her auto attacks and feathers, but he can also use the same spells to peel her if needed. If that wasn’t enough, Xayah can use her Featherstorm to dodge incoming crowd control or damage.
With the new Navori Quickblade, Xayah gets to her power spike much earlier compared to the past, allowing her to become “online” sooner and be the menace she’s always been. Rakan, on the other hand, benefitted from the buffs from Patch 13.3 and is now S-tier support.
Read also: Best supports with Xayah in League
If Xayah and Rakan are the best bot lane duo of the patch, then Jinx-Thresh must be the one right behind them. Both champions were buffed over the last patches, and the two have always been a great pairing. Thresh does a great job at setting up everything for Jinx, while also providing good peeling thanks to the lantern.
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Jinx usually needs to focus on scaling but she can actually play aggressively with Thresh. Their 2v2 is quite strong and if the support lands a hook, there are chances that the trade will be in their favor. Later in the game, Thresh can also play a peeling role, stopping any incoming threat that might be trying to kill Jinx. This versatility is rare, and Thresh is one of the few supports that has it.
Read more: Best supports with Jinx in League
Given that Jinx is one of the strongest ADC champions, there is a high chance she is banned. If you’re looking for an alternative, consider playing Aphelios instead. The two champions work in a similar way, even though Aphelios has a lower DPS in exchange for higher AoE damage and better close combat when having the white and red weapons.
Aphelios is quite immobile as well so having Thresh alongside him will make lower the probability of him dying. On top of that, Aphelios can heavily benefit from Thresh’s crowd control, making him the ideal partner.
If you’re looking for other bot lane duos that do not have Thresh as a partner, then we recommend playing Kai’Sa with Nautilus. Even though they might not scale as hard as the first three pairings, Kai’Sa and Nautilus have exceptional single-target lockdown potential.
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Nautilus provides the crowd control while Kai’Sa brings the burst damage with her Q and W. As long as Nautilus is able to find the right hooks and Kai’Sa can quickly follow up, this is an underrated yet powerful pairing worth playing this patch.
In a meta dominated by engage supports, there is one enchanter champion that works: Milio. The newest release, despite some hotfixes, is doing pretty well and he doesn’t look as oppressive as it seemed.
Considering that he’s one of the few strong enchanters, it goes to show that the champion isn’t in a terrible state. In reality, he’s actually a great match with Ashe, as he can empower her attack range with the W.
Paired with Ashe’s passive slow on auto attacks, this combo allows Ashe to freely kite the enemies from a safe distance. On top of that, they have lots of crowd control, making it almost impossible for enemies to jump on her. If that wasn’t enough, Milio can also cleanse and heal Ashe with his ultimate.
Even though Ashe doesn’t look that popular currently, she and Milio are one of the best bot lane duos you could play these weeks.
Read more: Best ADCs to play with Milio